In the next weeks we’ll be giving two workshops at BetaLab, a co-working space organized by betahaus| within the Chiado-After-Work program.
Here’s all the information and workshops’ schedule (in Portuguese):
Workshop DIY Kinetic SolarBots — Construa o seu próprio robot cinético solar.
Neste workshop os participantes vão construir um pequeno robot cinético através da montagem de um circuito solar com um pequeno motor e do design/modelagem do corpo do robot com Shmelzolan (plástico utilizado em artesanato).
Qualquer pessoa é capaz de fazer uma boa soldadura, é só uma questão de prática! Neste workshop aprendemos a soldar construindo circuitos muito divertidos como o Pisca-Pisca LED, uPONG (Retro Video GAME), Drawdio (um lápis/pincel que emite sons enquanto desenhámos) entre outros.
Datas : 14 de Maio / 21 de Maio / 28 de Maio
Horário : 17h — 21h
Preço : entre 10 — 35 Euros/Pessoa (consoante o kit seleccionado para construir)
Local : Rua Garrett, 70 (Baixa, Lisboa)
CC : Photo by LadyAda (
A inscrição para qualquer um dos workshops numa das das disponíveis deve ser efectuada via email para o endereço : [email protected]
I arrived to Residência AZ with a very simple project in mind called Bloop. This project explores the idea of “enfo” — unnecessary/useless information and information overload on the web, looking particularly to social networks.
Fishes don’t speak, but they communicate between themselves. For humans, this is an invisible process which is at the moment completely insignificant for us. Who cares about what is a fish saying to the other or even if he’s complaining or philosophizing alone? The project doesn’t intend to put fishes talking but instead to use their actions to dump random messages to twitter. This work plays with the metaphor of the glass house and observes this very own moment of social networks incrustation. Continue reading “AZ Residency Follow up — Filipe Pais”
Ada Lovelace developed the first piece of software in history, for Charles Babbage’s early mechanical general-purpose computer, the analytical engine; she’s, therefore, the world’s first software programmer! Today is Ada Lovelace Day and we are celebrating women in technological fields.
Here at Altlab we have a strong feminine influence since two of our founders are awesomely extraordinary techy women!
Catarina Mota
Catarina is a bit our de facto leader, gluing us all together with her incredible tenderness and forced volunteering skills. Her main interests and topics of research are computer vision, intelligent materials, hackerspaces and personal fabrication. Catarina got her Master degree in New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications Program where she specialized in physical computing and interactive installations. Besides AltLab, she’s one of the founders and main writters of She’s also an active member of Thingiverse and her “things” and procedural 3d modelling are praised by just about everyone, check it out!
Mónica Mendes
Mónica (the blonde acrobatic monkey suit) is our charming radical surfer founder! When she’s not hacking her own Range Rover she’s busy working with real-time video installations on a project called RTiVISS which is the basis of her PhD. She is also an interface designer and a multimedia educator.