AZ Residency Day 13 – We were never gone

You thought we were dead. But the nerds in black were never gone.

AZ Resi­dency at Espa­ço Tem­po has resu­med its cour­se on the 14th July 2010, and we’­ve been kic­king it real with some hard­co­re pro­ject dev for a who­le week now! Our main aim is to get all of the­se pro­jects kic­king and scre­a­ming on the 12th July for the big ope­ning of the exhibition.

Cata­ri­na and Joel spent most of their week fid­dling with some heavy duty Maker­Bot prin­ting tri­al and error. In betwe­en ran­dom python re-lear­ning fast cour­ses, they mana­ged to pull off some awe­so­me hacks, such as a maker­bot micros­co­pe to obser­ve bac­te­ria, a nutel­la jesus on a toast, and some robot prin­ted & baked cookies.

Ran­dom pro­ject quo­tes include:
“we have sci­en­ti­fi­cally pro­ven that straw­ber­ry yogurt is not printable”
“if you beli­e­ve, it will work”
“how big should we make jesus?”
“only two jesus toasts and alre­ady out of nutella?!”
“the­re is a guy coming by on mon­day to get a jesus on a toast”

Meanwhi­le Fran­ces­co and Mari­a­na been hard at work on their ant trac­king pro­ject. Mar­co drawing some more Sui­ci­de Girls for his secret pro­jec­ti­on art ins­tal­la­ti­on pro­ject. Ricar­do wor­king on his the­sis. Pedro and Móni­ca wor­king some more on the RTi­VISS (Real-Time Video Inte­rac­ti­ve Sys­tems for Sus­tai­na­bi­lity) pro­ject. Vitor upgra­ding his ver­si­on of Attic Tes­la / Last Words of Dome­ni­co per­for­man­ce. Mar­ga­ri­da wor­king on her ardui­no based reac­ti­ve robot.

Myself and Tia­go arri­ved yes­ter­day night and been hard at work in our own pro­jects as well. Me pre­pa­ring a rele­a­se ver­si­on of Gen Hai­ku, hel­ping out with the web­dev side of things on the iCo­o­kie fast-hack pro­ject and con­ju­ring some evil plans for world domi­na­ti­on pre­pa­ring a live­act for the ope­ning day of the exhi­bi­ti­on. And Tia­go wor­king on his bus GPS trac­king sys­tem app.