Mini-workshop “Motores de Passo”

(scroll down for English)

Vamos pegar ale­a­tó­ri­a­men­te num motor de pas­so e ten­tar des­co­brir que tipo de motor é, dese­nhar um dia­gra­ma sim­ples do mesmo.
Depois vamos pegar no fer­ro de sol­dar (não há que ter mee­e­e­e­e­do :)) e mon­tar um cir­cui­to que per­mi­te con­tro­lar esse motor a par­tir de um Ardui­no ou qual­quer outra pla­ca base­a­da num microcontrolador.
Todo o mate­ri­al é for­ne­ci­do e fica para os par­ti­ci­pan­tes, sen­do ape­nas neces­sá­rio tra­zer fer­ro de sol­dar e mul­ti­me­tro (ou espe­rar que algu­ma alma cari­do­sa vos empreste).

O núme­ro de par­ti­ci­pan­tes é limi­ta­do pelo que, se dis­se­rem que vêm, con­ta­mos MEEESMO convosco 😉

Para ins­cri­ções e pedi­dos de infor­ma­ção: workshops /arroba/
Lota­ção máxi­ma de 10 participantes
Sába­do 13 de Mar­ço de 2010
AltLab em Cacilhas

Let’s each of us pick up a ran­dom step­per and try to find out what kind of step­per it is, draw a sim­ple diagram.
Then pick up the sol­de­ring iron (have noo­o­o­oo fear :)) and assem­ble a cir­cuit to con­trol that motor from an Ardui­no or any other micro­con­trol­ler-based board.
All mate­ri­als are sup­pli­ed to the par­ti­ci­pants and everyo­ne gets to keep them; you’­re just requi­red to bring your own sol­de­ring iron and mul­ti­me­ter (or wait a ran­dom amount of time to bor­row some­o­ne else’s).

The num­ber of par­ti­ci­pa­ti­ons is limi­ted, the­re­fo­re, if you tell us you’ll come, we’ll REEEALLY be wai­ting for you 😉

For regis­tra­ti­on and infor­ma­ti­on requests: workshops /at/
Maxi­mum of 10 participants
Satur­day, Mar­ch 13 2010
AltLab @ Cacilhas

AZ Residency Day 7 — We’ll Be Back

Yes­ter­day’s late night hac­king ses­si­on mana­ged to deli­ver some results. Baco’s Mecha­nism was com­ple­te and so, to cele­bra­te, refresh­ments were in order, plus waking up to join the party anyo­ne who was alre­ady asle­ep. The trou­ble­ma­kers deli­ve­red a per­so­na­li­zed ren­di­ti­on of the clas­sic, also pre­vi­ously abu­sed for remi­xes, Vitor Espa­di­nha “Recor­dar é Viver”.

Today was a sad day, everyo­ne who was taking their time get­ting up was also woken up with a new per­so­na­li­zed ren­di­ti­on of Vitor Espa­di­nha’s “Recor­dar é Viver”, pay­back is a bit­ch. We pac­ked up and hea­ded down to a local res­tau­rant for the last meal of this week’s resi­dency. With pro­mi­ses of retur­ning in June for 10 more days of col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve hacking.

AZ Residency Day 6 – Vitor Espadinha Si Teh Luv

Day 6 star­ted pretty late. At 10 o clock we had a mini maker­bot workshop to repla­ce a bro­ken extru­der pie­ce, but most folks were still asle­ep from staying up till late wor­king on the Pia­no Cock­tail, so only Cata­ri­na and Gui­lher­me mana­ged to attend and fix the bro­ken piece.

Late arri­vers João, Vitor and Mécia arri­ved shor­tly after whi­le i tri­ed to finish up some work on the hai­ku gene­ra­tor and Mau­ri­cio was wor­king on the key­bo­ard mis­chi­efs with Cata­ri­na. Gui­lher­me was alre­ady gone, he had to pre­pa­re his work for the Talk Show pie­ce down­town. A lit­tle whi­le later Móni­ca and Fran­ces­co deci­ded to join us in dis­co­ve­ring whe­re Black­box was actu­ally, we got abit lost but mana­ged to all arri­ve on time.

The pie­ce was pretty gre­at! Well pro­du­ced and per­for­med! So props to the ones invol­ved was in order and back we went to our resi­dency for some food and pro­ject pushing. Gui­lher­me and Cata­ri­na still mes­sing with the Maker­bot; Móni­ca blowing plants; Fili­pe, Ricar­do and Mau­ri­cio finishing up the Pia­no Cock­tail; Luis and João wor­king on the meal trac­king bal­let sys­tem; Pedro hel­ping out Jor­ge with his Ardui­no issu­es; and me trying out a cou­ple new remi­xes of the remix.

Befo­re din­ner we also had a short visit from a few per­for­man­ce rela­ted folks, see­min­gly guests from our host and fri­end here at Espa­ço do Tem­po, Rui Hor­ta. They see­med pretty inte­res­ted in our adven­tu­res with the new tech­no­lo­gi­es, espe­ci­ally in terms of networ­king and open sour­ce mentality.

The­re was no cate­ring on Satur­day apa­ren­tly, so things were abit more erra­tic but it all wor­ked out in the end. We mana­ged to orga­ni­ze a nice din­ner event with nearly everyo­ne pre­sent, and pro­ce­e­ded direc­tly to jud­ging the world famous Vitor Espa­di­nha “Recor­dar é Viver” remix com­po, par­ti­ci­pa­ting was me, Sér­gio and the pro­clai­med win­ner mis­ter Pedro Ângelo.

90’s elec­tro night pro­ce­eds as i type, everyo­ne seems to be hap­pily wor­king on their pro­jects and/or enjoying their refresh­ments. It sucks hard that tomor­row is the last day alre­ady. As a curi­o­sity note, it seems 95% of the folks here at the resi­dency use Mac’s, even if one of them does have Linux installed.

AZ Residency Day 5 — Mistos de Porco Preto Reprise

Yes­ter­day’s din­ner didn’t go so well. We went to pick up a few doses of “Mis­tos de Por­co Pre­to” (means something like Mix of Dark Pig in English) at this local res­tau­rant whi­ch we had scou­ted on Tues­day as ser­ving pretty well. But we had an unfor­tu­na­te sur­pri­se, they under-ser­ved us half our dosa­ge. So a new quest had been unloc­ked: to retri­e­ve our fair sha­re today or rai­se havoc!

At the lab i had no idea what hap­pe­ned during the mor­ning sin­ce i slept until very late, but right after lun­ch everyo­ne scat­te­red off to han­dle dif­fe­rent things:
— Sér­gio and Fran­ces­co still busy docu­men­ting their ants project.
— Tara with the plas­tic PCB experiments.
— Jor­ge put­ting the finishing tou­ches on his VJ mixer frame.
— Móni­ca pushing her wind/fan pro­ject into a first protoype.
— I pushed the genhai­ku abit clo­ser to ver­si­on 2.0
— Luis arri­ved to the resi­dency to work on his meal trac­king idea.
— Ricar­do and Fili­pe went on a magic jour­ney to the local “saw­mill” sto­re to get the last parts for their pia­no cocktail.
— Mau­ri­cio gave us a workshop about tiny solar robots with BEAM circuits.
— And Cata­ri­na hac­king some key­bo­ard interfaces

So for din­ner we went to reclaim our lost dosa­ge of Mis­tos de Por­co Pre­to and mana­ged to suc­ce­ed in our orde­al! Quest com­ple­te! We also took the won­der­ful oppor­tu­nity to shop some essen­ti­al refresh­ments for tomor­rows farewell party.

Back at the resi­dency we had visi­tors from a local juve­ni­le the­a­ter group, we gave them a quick tour round up of all the stuff we have lying around and the pro­jects peo­ple have been wor­king in. Whi­ch went pretty well, they were all pretty mar­ve­led and exci­ted with all we had going on, asking how they could do their own and spend the rest of their lives doing what we do. Whi­ch made us happy.

The rest of the night was spent atten­ding Mau­ri­ci­o’s workshop and wor­king on some entry for our fast music remix com­po of Vitor Espa­di­nha’s “Relem­brar é Viver”. Results should be avai­la­ble tomorrow.

AZ Residency Day 4 — Routine Strike

Today we haven’t done anything at all. Nah, just kid­ding. We seem to have grown well adjus­ted to our new home, the days are almost rou­ti­ne and the nights grown more soci­al, everyo­ne seems to be so tired that work on pro­jects after din­ner doesn’t qui­te work out as imagined.

New ide­as for pro­jects still pop up every other second but we’­re now slo­wly star­ting to focus more on spe­ci­fics. Pedro seems to be nearly done with the OSC­Bus link to Pachu­be. And Fran­ces­co seems to be polishing up his ants pro­ject some more, atle­ast it was rumou­red that we can alre­ady get some inputs from both the fish and the ants for our pro­mi­sed audio mis­chi­ef ses­si­ons. We haven’t qui­te mana­ged to have some of tho­se yet, but we defi­ni­tely will. We should also pro­ba­bly con­nect it to Assault­Cu­be, just to reu­se late night gaming pwna­ge from our gamer residents.

Sér­gio mana­ged to get the hall lights also syn­ced up to OSC so it’s now cle­ar that com­ple­te and total world domi­na­ti­on is eminent.

Fili­pe has been busy with his secret new pro­jects and also pet-sit­ting his fishi­es, who seem not to be doing so gre­at, pro­ba­bly new water tank rela­ted, so they’­re get­ting a new one tomorrow!

Jor­ge been busy all day buil­ding a fra­me for his VJ mixer, it’s loo­king good by now, just wish my brain could alre­ady be able to fil­ter the dre­mel sound by now!

Cata­ri­na and Tia­go tri­ed to assem­ble a new bre­ed of TV-B-Gone’s, but seem to have fai­led mise­ra­bly so far. Hope­fully tomor­row they’ll suc­ce­ed in a lit­tle more than just fin­ding all the pos­si­ble ways that it won’t work and we’ll have something more to show and tell to the world.

The bio­plas­tic sam­ple tests have been somewhat neglec­ted but we pro­mi­se we’ll report something back about them. Gui­lher­me has retur­ned to the resi­dency and seems to be wor­king on some evil plans for world domi­na­ti­on for his robots, we hope to have some fol­low up info on that in the next few days aswell.

Meanwhi­le Tara has been pushing forward her plas­tic bag fabric PCB ide­as with a few spe­a­ker cir­cuit tests.

All in all it seems that the daily pro­ject mee­tings have set­tled down to lun­ch hour. Whi­ch fluc­tu­a­tes. And excur­si­ons to the ran­dom local shops are now com­mon atle­ast twi­ce a day. This care­fully devi­sed and hea­vily pon­de­red time mana­ge­ment sche­me is easily ena­bling us with the latest cut­ting edge tech­no­logy, whi­ch allows us to put together something as exqui­si­te, bril­li­ant, inno­va­ti­ve, revo­lu­ti­o­nary and so righ­te­ously dedicated.