Workshops at BetaLab

In the next weeks we’ll be giving two workshops at Beta­Lab, a co-wor­king spa­ce orga­ni­zed by betahaus| within the Chi­a­do-After-Work program.

Here’s all the infor­ma­ti­on and workshops’ sche­du­le (in Portuguese):

Workshop DIY Kine­tic Solar­Bots — Cons­trua o seu pró­prio robot ciné­ti­co solar.

Nes­te workshop os par­ti­ci­pan­tes vão cons­truir um peque­no robot ciné­ti­co atra­vés da mon­ta­gem de um cir­cui­to solar com um peque­no motor e do design/modelagem do cor­po do robot com Shmel­zo­lan (plás­ti­co uti­li­za­do em artesanato).

Datas : 12 de Maio / 19 de Maio / 26 de Maio

Horá­rio : 17h — 21h

Pre­ço : 25 Euros/Pessoa

Local : Rua Gar­rett, 70 (Bai­xa, Lisboa)

CC : Video by xda­te­li­er (

Workshop Elec­tró­ni­ca Apren­der a soldar 

Qual­quer pes­soa é capaz de fazer uma boa sol­da­du­ra, é só uma ques­tão de prá­ti­ca! Nes­te workshop apren­de­mos a sol­dar cons­truin­do cir­cui­tos mui­to diver­ti­dos como o Pis­ca-Pis­ca LED, uPONG (Retro Video GAME), Draw­dio (um lápis/pincel que emi­te sons enquan­to dese­nhá­mos) entre outros.

Datas : 14 de Maio / 21 de Maio / 28 de Maio

Horá­rio : 17h — 21h

Pre­ço : entre 10 — 35  Euros/Pessoa (con­so­an­te o kit selec­ci­o­na­do para construir)

Local : Rua Gar­rett, 70 (Bai­xa, Lisboa)

CC : Pho­to by LadyA­da (

A ins­cri­ção para qual­quer um dos workshops numa das das dis­po­ní­veis deve ser efec­tu­a­da via email para o ende­re­ço : [email protected]

AZ Residency — The Video

See also:
AZ Resi­dency @ O Espa­ço do Tempo
AZ Resi­dency Day 1 – We Have Arrived!
AZ Resi­dency Day 2 – Nothing Like The Fresh Smell of Vine­gar Early In The Morning
AZ Resi­dency Day 3 – Ide­as Are Like Rab­bits On Spring
AZ Resi­dency Day 4 – Rou­ti­ne Strike
AZ Resi­dency Day 5 – Mis­tos de Por­co Pre­to Reprise
AZ Resi­dency Day 6 – Vitor Espa­di­nha Si Teh Luv
AZ Resi­dency Day 7 – We’ll Be Back

AZ Residency Follow up — Filipe Pais

I arri­ved to Resi­dên­cia AZ with a very sim­ple pro­ject in mind cal­led Blo­op. This pro­ject explo­res the idea of “enfo” — unnecessary/useless infor­ma­ti­on and infor­ma­ti­on over­lo­ad on the web, loo­king par­ti­cu­larly to soci­al networks.

Fishes don’t spe­ak, but they com­mu­ni­ca­te betwe­en them­sel­ves. For humans, this is an invi­si­ble pro­cess whi­ch is at the moment com­ple­tely insig­ni­fi­cant for us. Who cares about what is a fish saying to the other or even if he’s com­plai­ning or phi­lo­sophi­zing alo­ne? The pro­ject doesn’t intend to put fishes tal­king but ins­te­ad to use their acti­ons to dump ran­dom mes­sa­ges to twit­ter. This work plays with the metaphor of the glass hou­se and obser­ves this very own moment of soci­al networks incrus­ta­ti­on. Con­ti­nue rea­dingAZ Resi­dency Fol­low up — Fili­pe Pais”

Happy Ada Lovelace Day!

Ada Love­la­ce deve­lo­ped the first pie­ce of soft­ware in his­tory, for Char­les Bab­ba­ge’s early mecha­ni­cal gene­ral-pur­po­se com­pu­ter, the analy­ti­cal engi­ne; she’s, the­re­fo­re, the world’s first soft­ware pro­gram­mer! Today is Ada Love­la­ce Day and we are cele­bra­ting women in tech­no­lo­gi­cal fields.

Here at Altlab we have a strong femi­ni­ne influ­en­ce sin­ce two of our foun­ders are awe­so­mely extra­or­di­nary techy women!

Cata­ri­na Mota

Cata­ri­na is a bit our de fac­to lea­der, gluing us all together with her incre­di­ble ten­der­ness and for­ced volun­te­e­ring skills. Her main inte­rests and topics of rese­ar­ch are com­pu­ter visi­on, intel­li­gent mate­ri­als, hac­kers­pa­ces and per­so­nal fabri­ca­ti­on. Cata­ri­na got her Mas­ter degree in New York Uni­ver­sity’s Inte­rac­ti­ve Tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Pro­gram whe­re she spe­ci­a­li­zed in phy­si­cal com­pu­ting and inte­rac­ti­ve ins­tal­la­ti­ons. Besi­des AltLab, she’s one of the foun­ders and main writ­ters of She’s also an acti­ve mem­ber of Thin­gi­ver­se and her “things” and pro­ce­du­ral 3d model­ling are prai­sed by just about everyo­ne, check it out!

Móni­ca Mendes

Móni­ca (the blon­de acro­ba­tic mon­key suit) is our char­ming radi­cal sur­fer foun­der! When she’s not hac­king her own Ran­ge Rover she’s busy wor­king with real-time video ins­tal­la­ti­ons on a pro­ject cal­led RTi­VISS whi­ch is the basis of her PhD. She is also an inter­fa­ce desig­ner and a mul­ti­me­dia educator.

Mini-workshop “Motores de Passo”

(scroll down for English)

Vamos pegar ale­a­tó­ri­a­men­te num motor de pas­so e ten­tar des­co­brir que tipo de motor é, dese­nhar um dia­gra­ma sim­ples do mesmo.
Depois vamos pegar no fer­ro de sol­dar (não há que ter mee­e­e­e­e­do :)) e mon­tar um cir­cui­to que per­mi­te con­tro­lar esse motor a par­tir de um Ardui­no ou qual­quer outra pla­ca base­a­da num microcontrolador.
Todo o mate­ri­al é for­ne­ci­do e fica para os par­ti­ci­pan­tes, sen­do ape­nas neces­sá­rio tra­zer fer­ro de sol­dar e mul­ti­me­tro (ou espe­rar que algu­ma alma cari­do­sa vos empreste).

O núme­ro de par­ti­ci­pan­tes é limi­ta­do pelo que, se dis­se­rem que vêm, con­ta­mos MEEESMO convosco 😉

Para ins­cri­ções e pedi­dos de infor­ma­ção: workshops /arroba/
Lota­ção máxi­ma de 10 participantes
Sába­do 13 de Mar­ço de 2010
AltLab em Cacilhas

Let’s each of us pick up a ran­dom step­per and try to find out what kind of step­per it is, draw a sim­ple diagram.
Then pick up the sol­de­ring iron (have noo­o­o­oo fear :)) and assem­ble a cir­cuit to con­trol that motor from an Ardui­no or any other micro­con­trol­ler-based board.
All mate­ri­als are sup­pli­ed to the par­ti­ci­pants and everyo­ne gets to keep them; you’­re just requi­red to bring your own sol­de­ring iron and mul­ti­me­ter (or wait a ran­dom amount of time to bor­row some­o­ne else’s).

The num­ber of par­ti­ci­pa­ti­ons is limi­ted, the­re­fo­re, if you tell us you’ll come, we’ll REEEALLY be wai­ting for you 😉

For regis­tra­ti­on and infor­ma­ti­on requests: workshops /at/
Maxi­mum of 10 participants
Satur­day, Mar­ch 13 2010
AltLab @ Cacilhas