Soldering is Easy workshop report

Ter­ri­fic night yes­ter­day @ altlab!
The workshop star­ted with an intro to elec­tro­nics lea­ving the atten­de­es anxi­ous to get down to soldering.
Des­pi­te that, everyo­ne was focu­sing their atten­ti­on on what was being said.
Half an hour later the sol­de­ring irons were plug­ged in and the fun started.

Soldering is Easy!
Hands-on and having fun!

Kit Pisca-Pisca
Blin­king LED KIT

A new Hac­ker is born ! @Ricar­do Castelhano

Here is the final result, everyo­ne lea­ves with their own blin­king gadget.

More pho­tos @flickr

AZ ready for world domination

It took us a whi­le, but prac­ti­ce makes per­fect, and we’­re now much clo­ser to ridi­cu­ling Jus­tin Bie­ber than we’­ve ever been before!

You might have noti­ced what deri­ved from our Resi­dency @ Espa­ço do Tem­po, a dozen pro­jects from seve­ral folks spre­ad over the 3 labs explo­ring the robo­tic, the inte­rac­ti­ve, the sen­so­ri­al, the tan­gi­ble, the gene­ra­ti­ve, the audi­o­vi­su­al, the aug­men­ted, the pro­vo­ca­ti­ve, the per­for­ma­ti­ve and a few other of all tho­se dirty lit­tle words you so much secre­tly love hea­ring about. Don’t be shy now. Nothing wrong with get­ting a lit­tle tan­gi­ble now and again. 😉

We even par­ti­ci­pa­ted in a lit­tle exhi­bit last month at Pavi­lhão Atlân­ti­co to pre­sent the­se and a cou­ple other works. And now we’­re back with more wea­pons of mass des­truc­ti­on. And now, this very wee­kend we’­re mee­ting up again for some holi­day hac­king fol­lery at LCD to show some more of our pro­jects and do a few mini-sprints. Feel free to join us. Lock up your geeks, we’­re coming for them!

Con­ti­nue rea­dingAZ ready for world domination”

Back in Lisbon

Hey all,

A few months ago our spa­ce has been moved from the cen­ter of Lis­bon, to a pla­ce cal­led Gin­jal, for tho­se who don’t know Lis­bon it is by the other side of the river, not in the city.

Although the spa­ce was ama­zing the dis­tan­ce from the city, the cre­epy walk to get the­re and the hard win­ter con­di­ti­ons made us start thin­king about get­ting our spa­ce back in the city. Also we noti­ced (pro­ba­bly becau­se of the pre­vi­ous expo­sed rea­sons) the num­ber of regu­lar mem­bers was decre­a­sing week by week.

We were plan­ning to do this pretty soon, but one week ago we got noti­ced that we had to move out from the spa­ce in Gin­jal as soon as pos­si­ble, sin­ce it will be clo­sed and demo­lished pretty soon (nothing sur­pri­sing, sin­ce the buil­ding was showing exter­nal dama­ges and in risk of collapsing).

So here we are, back in Lis­bon! By coin­ci­den­ce or not, we are right on the pla­ce we star­ted. But this time is dif­fe­rent, we have ren­ted two rooms for our hac­kers­pa­ce, sin­ce the pre­vi­ous exis­ting busi­ness Geral­di­ne has moved to another pla­ce in down­town. Con­ti­nue rea­ding “Back in Lisbon”

Sprint Project: Hug@ree

No pas­sa­do fim-de-sema­na decor­reu mais um Lab Sprint AZ. Ao con­trá­rio do habi­tu­al, des­ta vez saí­mos do nos­so lab e diri­gi­mo-nos de armas e baga­gens para a aldeia de Maçal do Chão na região da Ser­ra da Estre­la. A nos­sa equi­pa era cons­ti­tuí­da por Móni­ca Men­des do altLab, João Car­va­lho, Pedro Ânge­lo e Ricar­do Lobo do LCD e Tia­go Ser­ra do xDA (que não pôde par­ti­ci­par nes­ta eta­pa mas com quem con­ti­nu­a­mos a con­tar para desen­vol­vi­men­to futu­ros). No Maçal, tinha­mos os nos­sos cor­res­pon­den­tes locais a pos­tos, Val­ter Cruz e André Correia.
O objec­ti­vo para este Sprint era dar o pon­ta­pé de saí­da no pro­jec­to Hug@ree pro­pos­to pela Móni­ca — para além de ter par­ti­ci­pa­do acti­va­men­te, no Sprint ela­bo­rou uma repor­ta­gem deta­lha­da sobre o mes­mo no seu blog. Este tex­to é ape­nas um bre­ve resu­mo des­sa repor­ta­gem, de lei­tu­ra essen­ci­al não só pela des­cri­ção do tra­ba­lho desen­vol­vi­do, mas tam­bém pelo regis­to do con­ví­vio, de degus­ta­ção obrigatória.

O objec­ti­vo para este Sprint era cons­truir um pro­tó­ti­po da ins­ta­la­ção onde, no exte­ri­or, as pes­so­as abra­ças­sem uma árvo­re, sen­do essa inte­rac­ção regis­ta­da por uma câma­ra e envi­a­da para o inte­ri­or da ins­ta­la­ção, onde os par­ti­ci­pan­tes pode­ri­am então ver e mani­pu­lar esse regis­to numa inter­fa­ce dinâmica.


Con­ti­nue rea­ding “Sprint Pro­ject: Hug@ree”