After many days of work, stress and fun, we seem to have managed to pull through 10 projects to showcase at O Espaço do Tempo! The exhibition opened yesterday, 12th July at Convento da Saudação and will remain in exhibit until the end of the month.
We also have a mini-site with bios of the authors and descriptions of the works, temporarily hosted here. Not only of the works present at the exhibition but also a few others developed during the residency that couldn’t be exhibited by one reason or another. Check them out!
Big thanks are in order to everyone at O Espaço do Tempo for the opportunity we had, and all the in loco support to our needs, you rock. 🙂
2 days to go until the exhibit opening of the Audiencia Zero Labs residency at O Espaço Do Tempo!
A few folks seem to be missing in action. Mauricio is back with some news from Interactivos to lend us a hand on pending projects. Mónica and Pedro are still working on B‑wind!. Margarida working on his robot Freddy. Victor Silva rehearsing his The Last Words of Dominico. Victor and Marco working on Discardable Beauty. Guilherme finishing his Róbotica Criativa works. And me finishing up Meta Gen Haiku. Catarina and Joel should also show up tomorow with their Micro Dérive.
Website with more info on the presented projects should go online soon. In the meantime if you should show up on Monday the 12th July in Montemor-O-Novo for the exhibit. We will have 7 projects installed under exhibition until the 31st July, and 2 liveacts presented on the exhibition day 12th July.
In the meantime we’ll leave you with some important t‑shirt quote material we have recently acquired:
“48 horas são 6 dias de trabalho, em turnos de 8 horas”
“Eu só faço projection mapping quando estou bêbado”
“Não tens pincel para isso. Vai antes de rolo.”
“Queres falar ao telefone? Fala aí! *slap*”
This exhibition presents the results of a unique experiment. For 17 days, 30 members of the Audiencia Zero Labs from all over the country and also abroad lived and worked together on collective projects. New teams were formed, infinite ideas proposed, new tools and technologies experimented with, incredible adventures lived and new friends made. The projects at this exhibit are just the tip of the veil, the true impact of this experience is yet to come.
In the next weeks we’ll be giving two workshops at BetaLab, a co-working space organized by betahaus| within the Chiado-After-Work program.
Here’s all the information and workshops’ schedule (in Portuguese):
Workshop DIY Kinetic SolarBots — Construa o seu próprio robot cinético solar.
Neste workshop os participantes vão construir um pequeno robot cinético através da montagem de um circuito solar com um pequeno motor e do design/modelagem do corpo do robot com Shmelzolan (plástico utilizado em artesanato).
Qualquer pessoa é capaz de fazer uma boa soldadura, é só uma questão de prática! Neste workshop aprendemos a soldar construindo circuitos muito divertidos como o Pisca-Pisca LED, uPONG (Retro Video GAME), Drawdio (um lápis/pincel que emite sons enquanto desenhámos) entre outros.
Datas : 14 de Maio / 21 de Maio / 28 de Maio
Horário : 17h — 21h
Preço : entre 10 — 35 Euros/Pessoa (consoante o kit seleccionado para construir)
Local : Rua Garrett, 70 (Baixa, Lisboa)
CC : Photo by LadyAda (
A inscrição para qualquer um dos workshops numa das das disponíveis deve ser efectuada via email para o endereço : [email protected]
Vamos pegar aleatóriamente num motor de passo e tentar descobrir que tipo de motor é, desenhar um diagrama simples do mesmo.
Depois vamos pegar no ferro de soldar (não há que ter meeeeeedo :)) e montar um circuito que permite controlar esse motor a partir de um Arduino ou qualquer outra placa baseada num microcontrolador.
Todo o material é fornecido e fica para os participantes, sendo apenas necessário trazer ferro de soldar e multimetro (ou esperar que alguma alma caridosa vos empreste).
O número de participantes é limitado pelo que, se disserem que vêm, contamos MEEESMO convosco 😉
Para inscrições e pedidos de informação: workshops /arroba/
Lotação máxima de 10 participantes
Sábado 13 de Março de 2010
AltLab em Cacilhas
Let’s each of us pick up a random stepper and try to find out what kind of stepper it is, draw a simple diagram.
Then pick up the soldering iron (have noooooo fear :)) and assemble a circuit to control that motor from an Arduino or any other microcontroller-based board.
All materials are supplied to the participants and everyone gets to keep them; you’re just required to bring your own soldering iron and multimeter (or wait a random amount of time to borrow someone else’s).
The number of participations is limited, therefore, if you tell us you’ll come, we’ll REEEALLY be waiting for you 😉
For registration and information requests: workshops /at/
Maximum of 10 participants
Saturday, March 13 2010
AltLab @ Cacilhas