Makerfaire prep

This last Tues­day mee­ting was super hec­tic with everyo­ne get­ting their pro­jects ready for the upco­ming Lis­bon Mini Maker­fai­re and for the Junk Chal­len­ge altLab is orga­ni­zing the­re (join us!).

Here are some pho­tos as a sne­ak peek of the pre­pa­ra­ti­ons. I’ll let you work out by your­self what everyo­ne is doing as I don’t want to spoil the surprises.







See you at the Faire!

we’re back

After a well deser­ved hol­li­day, the altLab crew is back in the lab. We are still get­ting to know our new home, and it will still take a whi­le for us to get com­ple­tely com­for­ta­ble, but some of us are alre­ady back to work on their pro­jects. Here’s the play-by-play report of last Tues­day’s session.

Luis wor­ked on his Hacky­Ra­cers pro­ject, trying to get it ready to show at the Lis­bon Maker Fai­re. He also put the finishing tou­ches on a small elec­tro­nics kit to tea­ch kids about electronics.

hacky racers

Fer­nan­do set out to impro­ve the power con­sump­ti­on of our lab’s RFID door lock to only turn on when some­o­ne is actu­ally trying to use it. This week he dis­man­tled the door knob and mod­ded it to clo­se a cir­cuit when the lever is pul­led, check it:

modified door knob

I went to the lab to etch some PCBs for a wire­less sen­sor kit that detects tree hugs 🙂 Our usu­al toner trans­fer tech­ni­que wasn’t wor­king pro­perly, as the glos­sy maga­zi­ne paper wasn’t stic­king to the cop­per pla­te when pas­sed under the lami­na­tor seve­ral times, so I took a tip from Fer­nan­do and used some mad iro­ning skills:

ironing a PCB

The results were great:

etched PCBs

Next week will be hec­tic as we will be pre­pa­ring for the Maker Fai­re and set­ting up our new shel­ves to sort all our mate­ri­als and tools and make the new pla­ce a pro­per workshop.

See you next Tuesday!

Workshop de introdução à modelação 3D — altLab / FabLabLX

Venha apren­der a tra­ba­lhar com o Blen­der, uma fer­ra­men­ta open sour­ce de dese­nho e ani­ma­ção 3D. Com este soft­ware, vai poder fazer todo o work­flow de mode­la­ção 3D, des­de a ani­ma­ção, simu­la­ção, ren­de­ring, moti­on trac­king, até à edi­ção de vídeo e cri­a­ção de jogos .
Con­ti­nue rea­ding “Workshop de intro­du­ção à mode­la­ção 3D — altLab / FabLabLX”

Dia de altLab


Para todos os que estão á escuta!


Esta ter­ça-fei­ra, é dia de altLab.


Para todos os que quei­ram vir beber uma cer­ve­ja connosco.

Ire­mos estar a par­tir das 20h nas ins­ta­la­ções do Fabla­bLX no mer­ca­do do for­no do Tijo­lo (inten­den­te)



Amanhã! Open (Working) Day!


Para todos os que estão á escuta!


Esta ter­ça-fei­ra, esta­mos em ope­ra­ções logisticas.


Para todos os que quei­ram vir beber uma cer­ve­ja connosco.

Pode­rão encon­trar mem­bros alTlab nas ins­ta­la­ções habi­tu­ais do Pri­or Velho ou nas ins­ta­la­ções do Fabla­bLX no mer­ca­do do for­no do Tijo­lo (inten­den­te)

