Maker Faire 2016 — A Garra Makey e a Bee

Era uma vez uma gar­ra e a sua irmã, que pas­sa­vam os dias aban­do­na­das na casa de banho do FabLab em Lisboa.

Um dia os cava­lei­ro do rei­no do altLab res­ga­ta­ram uma das irmãs e acei­ta­ram-na na sua famí­lia, arran­ja­ram-na e apren­de­ram sobre ela, cons­truí­ram-lhe novos inter­fa­ces e, com o apoio da Lin­do Ser­vi­ço, ves­ti­ram-na, com os melho­res tra­jes do rei­no, para a levar à Maker Fai­re 2016.

A Prin­ce­sa Gar­ra Makey foi ado­ra­da por cri­an­ças dos 8 aos 80, que se deli­ci­a­ram com os doces e pre­sen­tes que ela tinha para dar

Tal foi o bur­bu­ri­nho que os orga­ni­za­do­res da Fes­ta, deci­di­ram reco­nhe­cer por duas vezes o méri­to da Prin­ce­sa com duas belas fitas azuis e douradas.

Mas a Prin­ce­sa não ia só, leva­va como con­vi­da­dos o Mes­tre Gus­ta­vo com o seu cho­co­la­te arte­sa­nal; O Cava­lei­ro João Alves com o altLap­se: Os altLab­bers João Sil­va e Fer­nan­do Car­va­lho com pro­jec­to “Eze­qui­el” — sonar para os invi­su­ais que iden­ti­fi­ca os obs­tá­cu­los por meio de vibra­ção; Logo ali ao lado pela mão do Luis Dinis e com a aju­da do Fer­nan­do Car­va­lho, rugi­am furi­o­sa­men­te os moto­res, numa pis­ta que era ali­men­ta­da pela ener­gia de quem peda­la­va, pis­ta essa, que tam­bém ela rece­beu a sua mere­ci­da fita de mérito.


De todo o reco­nhe­ci­men­to que a equi­pa pode­ria ter tido, para além das fitas de méri­to de pro­jec­to e da fita de méri­to como Hac­kers­pa­ce, o melhor e ines­pe­ra­do esta­va guar­da­do para o fim e veio de uma Abelha…

Das mãos do Mes­tre Fran­cis­co Men­des, veio o mai­or reco­nhe­ci­men­to que pode­ría­mos rece­ber como colec­ti­vo, uma per­fei­ta Pru­sa Bee que orgu­lho­sa­men­te toma­rá o lugar da nos­sa ado­ra­da BQ.


E assim aca­ba uma his­tó­ria que pro­me­te come­çar mui­tas outras…



Em nome de todo o altLab que­ro expres­sar em Pri­mei­ro lugar o nos­so agra­de­ci­men­to ao Luís Coe­lho, que dis­po­ni­bi­li­zou ao altLab e à sua equi­pa, sem reser­vas e de bra­ços aber­tos o aces­so ás ins­ta­la­ções da Lin­do Ser­vi­ço o que per­mi­tiu ao altLab ves­tir a Prin­ce­sa do Povo. Luís Coe­lho, que segun­do a equi­pa que tra­ba­lhou na Gar­ra Makey mere­ce a fita de méri­to de Melhor Patrão do Mun­do, 🙂 é tam­bém um dos pou­cos homens em por­tu­gal que se pode orgu­lhar de ser res­pon­sa­vel por fazer caír OVNIS em fren­te ao Vas­co da Gama e enco­lher auto­mó­veis.

Que­ro agra­de­cer à equi­pa do altLab que tor­nou o pro­jec­to Pos­sí­vel, em par­ti­cu­lar  ao João Sil­va AKA Guar­da João, que pre­ser­ve­ran­te­men­te par­ti­lhou vari­as noi­ta­das a quei­mar dedos e neu­ró­ni­os para aju­dar a des­cons­truir a lógi­ca de con­tro­le da Garra;

Ao Pedro Angê­lo por ter sido estru­tu­ran­te na pre­pa­ra­ção do códi­go, a par­tir dos fra­cos ensai­os pue­ris que lhe dis­po­ni­bi­li­zei como vec­to­res de cons­tru­ção e pela aber­tu­ra do repo­si­tó­rio da gar­ra assim como o cons­tan­te apoio e res­pos­ta aos desa­fi­os que lhe fomos colocando.

Ao Afon­so Mura­lha que desen­vol­veu o con­tro­le via nun­chuck da wii  e que à rebe­lia dos pais per­ma­ne­ceu dedi­ca­da­men­te con­nos­co no dia ante­ri­or à fei­ra a fina­li­zar as deco­ra­ções e tes­tar os con­tro­les da gar­ra (agra­de­ci­men­to espe­ci­al aos pais por terem permitido 🙂

Ao João Alves que em dete­ri­men­to do seu pro­je­to pes­so­al e do seu tem­po de famí­lia se lan­çou ao desa­fio com um con­tro­la­dor via capa­ce­te das obras (Pro­jec­to que infe­liz­men­te foi mais tei­mo­so que nós e não quis fun­ci­o­nar duran­te a fei­ra) e que per­ma­ne­ceu com a equi­pa da Gar­ra pela madru­ga­da a fora a ulti­mar os perparativos.

Ao Mes­tre Cas­qui­nha da Lin­do Ser­vi­ço, mar­ce­nei­ro por pai­xão e Maker de cer­ve­ja, igua­ri­as e enge­nho­cas, por nos ter empres­ta­do a sua car­ri­nha, sem a qual não teri­a­mos con­se­gui­do trans­por­tar a Garra.

Ao Mes­tre Gui­lher­me da Arti­ca por ter dis­po­ní­bi­li­za­do o trans­por­te para a nos­sa Gar­ra no cami­nho de vol­ta a casa.

Ao Mes­tre Gus­ta­vo ter acei­te o desa­fio de par­ti­lhar con­nos­co o segre­do do seu chocolate.

A toda a equi­pa do altLab, da Maker­Fai­re, do FabLa­bLis­boa e todos os que de algum modo influ­en­ci­am ou con­tri­bu­em para o conhe­ci­men­to livre…


A todos um bem haja e até breve.


Vini­cius Sil­va — altLabHost



we’re back

After a well deser­ved hol­li­day, the altLab crew is back in the lab. We are still get­ting to know our new home, and it will still take a whi­le for us to get com­ple­tely com­for­ta­ble, but some of us are alre­ady back to work on their pro­jects. Here’s the play-by-play report of last Tues­day’s session.

Luis wor­ked on his Hacky­Ra­cers pro­ject, trying to get it ready to show at the Lis­bon Maker Fai­re. He also put the finishing tou­ches on a small elec­tro­nics kit to tea­ch kids about electronics.

hacky racers

Fer­nan­do set out to impro­ve the power con­sump­ti­on of our lab’s RFID door lock to only turn on when some­o­ne is actu­ally trying to use it. This week he dis­man­tled the door knob and mod­ded it to clo­se a cir­cuit when the lever is pul­led, check it:

modified door knob

I went to the lab to etch some PCBs for a wire­less sen­sor kit that detects tree hugs 🙂 Our usu­al toner trans­fer tech­ni­que wasn’t wor­king pro­perly, as the glos­sy maga­zi­ne paper wasn’t stic­king to the cop­per pla­te when pas­sed under the lami­na­tor seve­ral times, so I took a tip from Fer­nan­do and used some mad iro­ning skills:

ironing a PCB

The results were great:

etched PCBs

Next week will be hec­tic as we will be pre­pa­ring for the Maker Fai­re and set­ting up our new shel­ves to sort all our mate­ri­als and tools and make the new pla­ce a pro­per workshop.

See you next Tuesday!

Open Mobile Project


Open Mobi­le is a col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve artwork that is being deve­lo­ped at AltLab and that is ope­ned to all members.

The mobi­le is cons­ti­tu­ted by pie­ces that are deve­lo­ped indi­vi­du­ally or col­la­bo­ra­ti­vely, and the final inte­grant struc­tu­re is built  in order to sup­port all deve­lo­ped pie­ces and having in mind the cha­rac­te­ris­tics of each indi­vi­du­al piece.

The indi­vi­du­al pie­ces — OMPs (Open Mobi­le Pie­ces) can ran­ge from 3D prin­ted sculp­tu­res to elec­tric and/or moto­ri­zed works… stop by AltLab on any Tues­day (from 8.30pm on) and check it out.

Deve­lop­ment peri­od: April — July 2013


O Open Mobi­le é um pro­jec­to artís­ti­co cola­bo­ra­ti­vo a ser desen­vol­vi­do no AltLab e o con­vi­te à par­ti­ci­pa­ção é aber­to a todos os membros.

A ideia é cons­truir uma estru­tu­ra kiné­ti­ca e/ou eléc­tri­ca (aka “mobi­le) em que cada pes­soa (ou con­jun­to de pes­so­as) desen­vol­ve uma peça inte­gran­te. O “esque­le­to” da estru­tu­ra é pos­te­ri­or­men­te desen­vol­vi­do de for­ma a inte­grar as peças indi­vi­du­ais e ten­do em con­ta as suas características.

A ela­bo­ra­ção das peças indi­vi­du­ais — OMPs (Open Mobi­le Pie­ces) podem ir des­de impres­s­sões 3D a tra­ba­lhos eléc­tri­cos e/ou moto­ri­za­dos… pas­sem pelo AltLab numa ter­ça-fei­ra (a par­tir das 20h30) e espreitem.


Perío­do de desen­vol­vi­men­to — Abril — Julho 2013

Pedra d’Água



AUTHORS: Rui de Car­va­lho; Mau­rí­cio Mar­tins; Pedro Ânge­lo; Kyri­a­kos Koursaris

Con­cept Author by Rui de Carvalho;
Engi­ne­e­ring Deve­lop­ment by Mau­rí­cio Martins;
Soft­ware Com­pu­ting Ori­en­ta­ti­on by Pedro Ângelo;
Sound and Music by Kyri­a­kos Koursaris;

Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on: Ricar­do Lobo; João Gonçalves;

This project’s desig­na­ti­on intends to pro­ce­ed to a new over­vi­ew of the human condition.
We must think of a box that is direc­ted to the insi­de, to the pla­ce whe­re we find our mea­ning and whe­re, the­re­fo­re, we part in sear­ch of our significance.
I want to reli­ve this awa­re­ness becau­se it impli­es a demand and this demand will take us, no doubt, to some kind of finding.
We can des­cri­be “Pedra d’ Água” as a Tech­no­logy and Digi­tal Art Tem­ple, that tri­es to rai­se the need of one for another and the ritu­al way we cho­o­se to cele­bra­te the emp­ti­ness left in us when some­o­ne leaves.
I won­der if in a near futu­re, this kind of tech­no­lo­gi­cal chi­me­ra will be the only way to ensu­re the exten­si­on of our dise­a­sed and lost into the living world.
Also, I ask myself if the machi­ne beco­mes equal to the human cre­a­tor, like a post-maker without the bur­den of a body or if the cre­a­tor beco­mes domi­na­ted by tech­no­logy. We must stop and medi­ta­te over the pos­si­bi­lity that this way will lead us to the over­powe­ring of machi­ne over human, taking us further into alienation.
Nowa­days it’s been noted a high num­ber of vari­ous mani­fes­ta­ti­ons by web users meant to be some kind of memory or tri­bu­te to the dise­a­sed loved ones.
Today, fri­ends and family keep web­si­tes upda­ted, as if they refu­se to accept the impo­sed absen­ce. They keep their rou­ti­nes, exten­ding an emo­ti­o­nal con­nec­ti­on simi­lar to the one that was expe­ri­en­ced with the loved one.
“Pedra d´Agua” will be like a sanc­tu­ary that will regis­ter mani­fes­ta­ti­ons from web users: when some­o­ne wri­tes or upda­tes one of this “tri­bu­te” sites, Pedra d´Água will light up, rele­a­sing a sound. When we don´t find find upda­ted infor­ma­ti­on, Pedra d´Água” will cry.
I wish to cre­a­te a arti­fact that claims our soci­ety as one of living but, also, as one of dead and that will allow the per­pe­tu­a­ti­on of the indi­vi­du­al and col­lec­ti­ve memory accor­ding to a new way: the web.


Nuclear Taco Sensor Helmet Gameshow

Mau­ri­cio Mar­tinsTia­go Ror­keFili­pe CruzTia­go Far­to and Fer­di­nand Meier

Nucle­ar Taco Sen­sor Hel­met Gameshow is the name of our pro­ject entry for the 48h hack pro­ject of Sapo Code­bits 2011. The aim of the com­pe­ti­ti­on was to deve­lop a pro­ject during 48 hours and pre­sent it in 90 seconds to a live audi­en­ce. Out of over 80 pro­po­sed pro­jects, 65 were pre­sen­ted live.
We won the 1st pla­ce of the public voting.


The 48h pro­ject con­sis­ted of buil­ding a hel­met devi­ce with humi­dity, tem­pe­ra­tu­re and fluid inta­ke sen­sors, used to record and mea­su­re the reac­ti­on of nucle­ar taco vic­tims of Code­bits 2011 Nucle­ar Taco Chal­len­ge. The sen­sors and ser­vos are con­nec­ted by Ardui­no. 6 time­lap­se vide­os were recor­ded docu­men­ting the user expe­ri­en­ce. The 1:30 pro­ject pre­sen­ta­ti­on was in the sty­le of a Japa­ne­se gameshow using Open­Fra­meworks. The host dis­played using face subs­ti­tui­on tech­no­logy in realtime.


Our moti­va­ti­on to deve­lop this pro­ject was the following:

  • Do something fun with sen­sors and Ardui­no, that would show peo­ple how easy it is to use the­se things.
  • Show­ca­se appli­ca­ti­ons of recent Face Trac­king and Face Subs­ti­tu­ti­on technology.
  • Do a pre­sen­ta­ti­on for­mat that would not lea­ve anyo­ne indif­fe­rent to our project.
  • Bring atten­ti­on to the cre­a­ti­ve com­mu­nity we have in the Audi­ên­cia Zero hac­ker spa­ces in Por­tu­gal (LCD in Por­to / Gui­ma­rãesxDA in Coim­braaltLab in Lis­bon), in hopes of get­ting new members.
  • Take home some new hardware.

Video of Presentation


Nucle­ar Tacos Sen­sor Hel­met Gameshow @Codebits 2011 from altlab Lis­bon’s Hac­kers­pa­ce on Vimeo.

Before Codebits


At Sapo Code­bits 2010 the event orga­ni­zers held a nucle­ar taco chal­len­ge during one of the nights of the event. Many bra­ve atten­de­es spent their last day of the event in seve­re dis­com­fort, cur­sing their ide­a­li­zed bra­very. No mem­bers of our team were bra­ve enough to take on the nucle­ar taco chal­len­ge but the memo­ri­es of everyo­ne else suf­fe­ring lin­ge­red on with us. Then one day a light­bulb was tur­ned on insi­de Mau­ri­cio Mar­tins’s head when he saw a tv comer­ci­al for MEO fea­tu­ring Ricar­do Arau­jo and an “all Ame­ri­can” beer helmet.

The idea Mau­ri­cio had awa­ken insi­de his head was to use his Ardui­no and sen­sors exper­ti­se to pimp that beer hel­met into a nucle­ar taco sen­sor devi­ce of some sort. He began loo­king for the pie­ces required.

By the way, if you want to learn how to use Ardui­nos for ran­dom pro­jects, the­re are some workshops at altLab on a regu­lar basis.


The hel­met itself was qui­te hard to find for sale in Por­tu­gal. After many sear­ches on the inter­net, we ended up buying it at for 10 euros.

The Ardui­no, LEDs, tem­pe­ra­tu­re and humi­dity sen­sor were easily acqui­red anywhe­re onli­ne. The flow mea­su­re­ment sen­sor was alot har­der to find, we ended up buying it second hand from ebay.

The web­cam for the head moun­ted view used was a Micro­soft Life­Cam VX-2000 bought by 20 euros.

Ove­rall the hard­ware cost was around 60 euros.


Whi­le Mau­ri­cio was sear­ching for the hel­met he recrui­ted two new mem­bers for our team. To assist with the hard­ware the Luso — New Zea­lan­dinsh Tia­go Ror­ke, a semi-regu­lar altLab atten­der. And to han­dle the pre­sen­ta­ti­on for­mat, the Por­tu­gue­se demos­ce­ner emi­gra­ted in Hel­sin­ki, Fin­land Fili­pe Cruz, who had alre­ady col­la­bo­ra­ted with Mau­ri­cio on a Code­bits pro­ject in 2010 (the Blind Pong project).

A cou­ple of weeks befo­re the event, Mau­ri­cio and Tia­go Ror­ke got together to wri­te a first abs­tract des­crip­ti­on of the pro­ject, do some sket­ches of the ide­a­li­zed hel­met and sent the text to Fili­pe. Few days later the three of them had a sky­pe call to defi­ne the pre­sen­ta­ti­on for­mat and hear Fili­pe explain his con­cept idea of having a japa­ne­se gameshow sty­le of pre­sen­ting the pro­ject to the public.


A cou­ple days befo­re the event the three mem­bers of the team finally mana­ged to get together phy­si­cally to dis­cuss the pro­ject in per­son. Taking the opor­tu­nity to test some com­po­nents (the sen­sors, the Face­Trac­king library by Artu­ro Cas­troKyle McDo­nald and Jason Sara­gih) and more impor­tan­tly: to deci­de on a final name for the pro­ject. Nucle­ar Taco Sen­sor Hel­met Gameshow was the decision.

During Codebits


Mau­ri­cio and Tia­go Ror­ke spent the day wor­king on the hel­met, mos­tly buil­ding and tes­ting the sen­sors with the Ardui­no and deci­ding on how they would be pla­ced on the hel­met. Fer­di­nand Mei­er, a resi­dent mem­ber of altLab was recrui­ted to help prin­ting small pie­ces for the hel­met with the Maker­bot.

Fili­pe arri­ved late and star­ted wor­king ime­di­a­tly on the fra­mework for the pre­sen­ta­ti­on usingOpen­Fra­meworks, mos­tly tes­ting back­ground effects in a Japa­ne­se swish swash sty­le and trying to clo­se the pre­sen­ta­ti­on story­bo­ard. Fer­di­nand who was alre­ady a new mem­ber of the pro­ject at this point offe­red his Blen­der skills to cre­a­te a model of the hel­met in 3D to be used in the presentation.

Whi­le the hard­ware guys were strug­gling with the sen­sors, Fili­pe was tes­ting ofx3DModelLoader with Fer­di­nand’s 3D model exports of the hel­met. Seve­ral 2D ren­ders of Japa­ne­se vir­tu­al idol Hat­su­ne Miku model­ling our hel­met were also taken. The open sour­ce 3D model of Miku was taken from blen­der­na­ti­on. We had to rush this pro­cess sin­ce Ferd had to lea­ve the Code­bits event that night to attend a con­fe­ren­ce in Porto.

We did not attend the Ele­va­tor Pit­ch talk.

Tia­go Far­to was recrui­ted to help with the graphic effects of the pre­sen­ta­ti­on. The back­ground effects you see are all run­ning on pixelsha­ders real­ti­me under open­fra­meworks. It was not tri­vi­al to get the sha­ders setU­ni­form to han­dle tex­tu­res pro­perly under open­Fra­meworks. We spent qui­te a few hours debug­ging and wild gues­sing their fra­mework sin­ce neither Fili­pe nor Tia­go had expe­ri­en­ce run­ning sha­ders on openFrameworks.

During the night we were one of the few teams still left hard at work at the party­pla­ce at 3 am. Mau­ri­cio and Tia­go Ror­ke finishing the hel­met — tes­ting the liquid flow sen­sor, buil­ding the ser­vos, gluing the led struc­tu­res, pain­ting the helmet.



We didn’t mana­ge to sle­ep much on the first night of the event, some of us were fal­ling asle­ep on our com­pu­ters whi­le still trying to get some work done. We star­ted having to turn down folks who were coming to ask us to print ran­dom things on the maker­bot. We sadly had to do this becau­se we were so busy finishing the pro­ject for the com­pe­ti­ti­on. The hel­met nee­ded to be finished and ready for the code­bits nucle­ar taco chal­len­ge whi­ch was hap­pe­ning at 19:00.

Mau­ri­cio and Tia­go finished the hel­met, atta­ched the head came­ra and went to the Taco Chal­len­ge area to record some foo­ta­ge. Tia­go wor­ked on the title scre­en fla­mes effect whi­le Fili­pe re-struc­tu­red the fra­mework and tes­ted the video play­back right befo­re having to head out to give his spe­a­ker talk “Crash cour­se on Pho­ne­gap + Sen­cha Tou­ch”.

Mau­ri­cio and both Tia­gos went to the taco loun­ge and mana­ged to record foo­ta­ge from 6 volun­te­ers wea­ring our hel­met whi­le eating their nucle­ar tacos. Big thanks to Pedro Umbe­li­no, Dani­el Frei­tas, Pedro Sil­va, Tomé Duar­te, Joa­na Fer­rei­ra and Artur Gou­lão for their assis­tan­ce! We ended up only using 4 of the 6 videos.

Pho­to by Nuno Dan­tas

Meanwhi­le, back at the altLab table Fili­pe had ended his spe­a­ker talk and was back to work on the pre­sen­ta­ti­on code with some inter­rup­ti­ons to try and find out whe­re the con­fes­si­o­nary room whe­re we were sup­po­sed to pre­sent our pro­ject 1 hour ago was loca­ted. He fai­led. Noti­fi­ed Mau­ri­cio and deci­ded to attend the spe­a­kers din­ner instead.

Upon return, Fili­pe mana­ged to find whe­re the con­fes­si­o­nary room was loca­ted whi­le the rest of the pro­ject folks atten­ded the Scor­pi­ons con­cert. We finally mana­ged to get sky­pe inter­vi­ewed by chew­bac­ca and darth vader. It went rather well and we were hope­ful that our pro­ject would get selec­ted for the group A of pro­jects pre­sen­ting live on stage.

The rest of the night was spent edi­ting video and fin­ding the per­fect Japa­ne­se face to use on the Face­Trac­king part of the pre­sen­ta­ti­on. Shi­do Naka­mu­ra was the final selec­ti­on. Fili­pe had some night­ma­res about for­get­ting what to say live on sta­ge and screwing up the Japa­ne­se accent. Tia­go Ror­ke ended up wor­king another all nigh­ter doing some video edi­ting and drawing a 2d taco for the presentation.

By the way, the music we used for the final part is ParagonX9 — Cha­oz Air­flow, avai­la­ble under a Cre­a­ti­ve Com­mons by-nc-sa licen­se. And the short clip of Japa­ne­se crowd che­e­ring was snip­ped from a ran­dom you­tu­be video of a ran­dom Japa­ne­se gameshow whi­ch we can’t find anymore.


We all woke up later then plan­ned and fee­ling somewhat sick and tired of wor­king on the pro­ject. But one final effort was still nee­ded, the pre­sen­ta­ti­on had to be perfect!

We did a few ite­ra­ti­ons of the final chal­len­ge video, adding sound effects and tes­ting the length. The story­bo­ard still suf­fe­red a few small chan­ges to cre­a­te big­ger cres­cen­do impact. Last minu­te over­lay graphics of the sen­sors were desig­ned by Tia­go Far­to and quic­kly inserted.

Test on the sta­ge pro­ved the face­trac­king could work without addi­ti­o­nal ligh­ting. Everything see­med more or less ready. Just one more ren­der of the final video with some more small impor­tant chan­ges required.

Pre­sen­ta­ti­on had some glit­ches but went rather well. The crowd mana­ged to get into it and that was reflec­ted hea­vily on the voting. Gre­at posi­ti­ve reac­ti­ons both in per­son and through the twit­ter feed. We were very ple­a­sed and loo­king forward to the pri­ze giving. Tia­go Far­to had to lea­ve early and Ferd never mana­ged to come back to Code­bits sin­ce Thurs­day, so we were left only 3 of us, Mau­ri­cio Mar­tins, Fili­pe Cruz and Tia­go Ror­ke to col­lect the prizes!

We won the 1st pla­ce public award and offe­red the sen­sor hel­met devi­ce to the Code­bits orga­ni­zers infor­ming them that all the peo­ple invol­ved with orga­ni­zing the Nucle­ar Taco Chal­len­ge had to take pic­tu­res of them­selfs wea­ring the hel­met and uplo­ad them to the internet.


Domo Ari­ga­to to everyo­ne for your feed­back and sup­port. We are very happy you liked our pro­ject. Ple­a­se come and join altLab or another Audi­en­cia Zero hac­klab clo­ser to you. We need more peo­ple sha­ring kno­wled­ge and doing things with technology.

Source Code

Sour­ce code github repo.


If you liked our pro­ject, ple­a­se flat­tr it to sup­port our hac­ker spa­ce labs.