So full of win!

Pos­ted by  via T(h)inker it!


So it was, yes­ter­day AltLab mee­tup was full of win.
It star­ted with some­o­ne showing off his pro­ject, Laser Tag… no, no lase­rish paint­bal­lish kind of laser tag, it was more graf­fi­ti tag­ging, but using a laser poin­ter, a video pro­jec­tor, a came­ra and a kind off nifty software 🙂
Everyo­ne played with it, and hea­ded back insi­de, it was a kind of chilly in the back alley.Next, João Neves and me went on a date with Vio­le­ta… It was a kind of thre­e­so­me, but Vio­le­ta is AltLab Cup­ca­ke 3D printer!I tri­ed prin­ting a part from a Wal­la­ce, bat as usu­al, Vio­le­ta didn’t finished the print, and I was using my com­pu­ter, so the plot thickens! 🙁


The pro­blem is in the prin­ter, now we’­re cer­tain of this! We sca­ven­ged AltLab junk… err… the nice and very orga­ni­zed warehou­se for ATX PSU, and tri­ed a few, but that didn’t, so we plug­ged the ori­gi­nal one back, and it wor­ked! Vio­le­ta is prin­ting again, at least two parts for Franky (a mini-men­del) without a hit­ch, the futu­re will tell us.


And the piè­ce de résis­tan­ce was the first test of a ste­reo litho­graphy prin­ter… “what?!!?” it’s a 3D prin­ter using pho­to sen­si­ble resin as a medium, very impres­si­ve pie­ce of tech­no­logy. They made some expo­su­re tests to unders­tand how long they need to expo­se the resin for a per­fect cure, it’s around 15 seconds and they-re ready for the next layer 🙂 A full of win day!

Blender Classes Feedback

——– Ori­gi­nal Message ——–
Sub­ject: Workshop
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 10:39:03 ‑0000
From: João Alves
To: Fer­di­nand Meier

Olá tudo bem?

Era só para dizer que gos­tei mui­to do workshop.
Está aqui uma ani­ma­ção que rea­li­zei em casa com os conhe­ci­men­tos adqui­ri­do no teu workshop.

Podes ver tam­bém o meu web­si­te que tem alguns pro­je­tos rea­li­za­dos no Blender.

Gos­tei mui­to e espe­ro que haja mais workshops do Blen­der que achei espetacular.

Um abra­ço:


Friendly robots!

Pos­ted by  via T(h)inker it!

A swarm of robot’s inva­ded yes­ter­day AltLab mee­tup… swarm… meh… should I say… 3? Well… 3 it’s gre­a­ter than 2, so… a small swarm of robots inva­ded AltLab!
They were brought by André Almei­da, from Arti­ca.Two of them were Gui­bots and the big­ger one is a Maga­bot.
The Gui­bot is Far­rus­co is a small robot based on the Ardui­no plat­form, in this case it’s using a Moto­rui­no wich is an Ardui­no clo­ne with a cou­ple of enhan­ce­ments – dc motor dual con­trol­ler, ser­vo and sen­sor plugs, pos­si­bi­lity to select 5v or exter­nal power sour­ce for motors and PWM pins.
With Far­rus­co you will be able to make it avoid obs­ta­cles, fol­low walls, enter in free spa­ce mode, and in the futu­re more add-ons will be avai­la­ble, just to name a few: line fol­lower, spe­a­kers and light sen­sors, RGB leds, and so on.
Maga­bot is an Ardui­no based, open sour­ce robo­tics plat­form desig­ned to give mobi­lity to any por­ta­ble com­pu­ter and in this case Sky­pe was used to con­trol it… video con­fe­ren­ce with the abi­lity to stroll around a remo­te room/office.

Doodling in 3D

Don’t wor­ry, he’s mos­tly harmless!
Basí­lio, a good­fel­la, a Lobs­ter, a good fri­end and a Goo­gle Sket­chUp ninja!
Well, yes­ter­day was AltLab mee­tup day, and the plan was: make a 3D model of an X axis car­ri­a­ge for a mini-mendel.
It was a suc­cess! After a few hours using Goo­gle Sket­chUp, we’­ve mana­ged to cre­a­te a darn good loo­king carriage.
The next step will be print it and assem­ble it.
Mini-Men­del X Axis mini-carriage

I’m not in the mood…

Pos­ted by  via T(h)inker it!

At least it’s what she said! Vio­le­ta… the prin­ter, I mean 🙂
From the begin­ning, tues­day it’s mee­ting day atAltLab and I’ve dis­cus­sed with Mau­ri­cio the pos­si­bi­lity of using the Mini-Men­del with an adap­ter, a Pen Hol­der to wri­te the pcb’s layouts. The X axis car­ri­a­ge from the Mini-Men­del was disas­sem­bled and after I’ve finished assem­ble it, it loo­ked a lit­tle wob­bly, and we don’t want a wob­bly printer!
So, Thin­gi­ver­se to the res­cue, and we found theMen­del Mini-Car­ri­a­ge, and of we go… to the Makerbot!!!
This was my first inte­rac­ti­on with a 3d Prin­ter, and everything went well… until… when the print rea­ched about 1cm of height, the extru­der deci­ded stop the extru­si­on… damn!
We star­ted over, but the­re was a sus­pi­ci­on over the lap­top, so we’­ve tri­ed using the SD Card to print… it didn’t work! Now the sus­pect is the ver­si­on 3 firmwa­re… and the lap­top… it’s a caba­la or lack of luck :p
Did we give up? No, of cour­se not, we’­ve selec­ted a smal­ler pie­ce of the Mini-Car­ri­a­ge and pres­sed “BUILD”, and all went as expec­ted, the first pie­ce of the Mini-car­ri­a­ge was a success!
Let’s try another… and all went well.. until the 1cm of height… the extru­der fai­led again :p
It was get­ting late, so we’­ve clo­sed the shop for the day… err… night.
But not everything was lost, we’­ve plot­ted a plan to deve­lop a Gen8 elec­tro­nics, just wait for it 🙂