I’m not in the mood…

Pos­ted by  via T(h)inker it!

At least it’s what she said! Vio­le­ta… the prin­ter, I mean 🙂
From the begin­ning, tues­day it’s mee­ting day atAltLab and I’ve dis­cus­sed with Mau­ri­cio the pos­si­bi­lity of using the Mini-Men­del with an adap­ter, a Pen Hol­der to wri­te the pcb’s layouts. The X axis car­ri­a­ge from the Mini-Men­del was disas­sem­bled and after I’ve finished assem­ble it, it loo­ked a lit­tle wob­bly, and we don’t want a wob­bly printer!
So, Thin­gi­ver­se to the res­cue, and we found theMen­del Mini-Car­ri­a­ge, and of we go… to the Makerbot!!!
This was my first inte­rac­ti­on with a 3d Prin­ter, and everything went well… until… when the print rea­ched about 1cm of height, the extru­der deci­ded stop the extru­si­on… damn!
We star­ted over, but the­re was a sus­pi­ci­on over the lap­top, so we’­ve tri­ed using the SD Card to print… it didn’t work! Now the sus­pect is the ver­si­on 3 firmwa­re… and the lap­top… it’s a caba­la or lack of luck :p
Did we give up? No, of cour­se not, we’­ve selec­ted a smal­ler pie­ce of the Mini-Car­ri­a­ge and pres­sed “BUILD”, and all went as expec­ted, the first pie­ce of the Mini-car­ri­a­ge was a success!
Let’s try another… and all went well.. until the 1cm of height… the extru­der fai­led again :p
It was get­ting late, so we’­ve clo­sed the shop for the day… err… night.
But not everything was lost, we’­ve plot­ted a plan to deve­lop a Gen8 elec­tro­nics, just wait for it 🙂