A swarm of robot’s invaded yesterday AltLab meetup… swarm… meh… should I say… 3? Well… 3 it’s greater than 2, so… a small swarm of robots invaded AltLab!
They were brought by André Almeida, from Artica.Two of them were Guibots and the bigger one is a Magabot.
The Guibot is Farrusco is a small robot based on the Arduino platform, in this case it’s using a Motoruino wich is an Arduino clone with a couple of enhancements – dc motor dual controller, servo and sensor plugs, possibility to select 5v or external power source for motors and PWM pins.
With Farrusco you will be able to make it avoid obstacles, follow walls, enter in free space mode, and in the future more add-ons will be available, just to name a few: line follower, speakers and light sensors, RGB leds, and so on.
Magabot is an Arduino based, open source robotics platform designed to give mobility to any portable computer and in this case Skype was used to control it… video conference with the ability to stroll around a remote room/office.
AUTHORS: Rui de Carvalho; Maurício Martins; Pedro Ângelo; Kyriakos Koursaris
Concept Author by Rui de Carvalho;
Engineering Development by Maurício Martins;
Software Computing Orientation by Pedro Ângelo;
Sound and Music by Kyriakos Koursaris;
Collaboration: Ricardo Lobo; João Gonçalves; CONCEPT:
This project’s designation intends to proceed to a new overview of the human condition.
We must think of a box that is directed to the inside, to the place where we find our meaning and where, therefore, we part in search of our significance.
I want to relive this awareness because it implies a demand and this demand will take us, no doubt, to some kind of finding.
We can describe “Pedra d’ Água” as a Technology and Digital Art Temple, that tries to raise the need of one for another and the ritual way we choose to celebrate the emptiness left in us when someone leaves.
I wonder if in a near future, this kind of technological chimera will be the only way to ensure the extension of our diseased and lost into the living world.
Also, I ask myself if the machine becomes equal to the human creator, like a post-maker without the burden of a body or if the creator becomes dominated by technology. We must stop and meditate over the possibility that this way will lead us to the overpowering of machine over human, taking us further into alienation.
Nowadays it’s been noted a high number of various manifestations by web users meant to be some kind of memory or tribute to the diseased loved ones.
Today, friends and family keep websites updated, as if they refuse to accept the imposed absence. They keep their routines, extending an emotional connection similar to the one that was experienced with the loved one.
“Pedra d´Agua” will be like a sanctuary that will register manifestations from web users: when someone writes or updates one of this “tribute” sites, Pedra d´Água will light up, releasing a sound. When we don´t find find updated information, Pedra d´Água” will cry.
I wish to create a artifact that claims our society as one of living but, also, as one of dead and that will allow the perpetuation of the individual and collective memory according to a new way: the web.
Well, yesterday was AltLab meetup day, and the plan was: make a 3D model of an X axis carriage for a mini-mendel.
It was a success! After a few hours using Google SketchUp, we’ve managed to create a darn good looking carriage.
The next step will be print it and assemble it.
At least it’s what she said! Violeta… the printer, I mean 🙂
From the beginning, tuesday it’s meeting day atAltLab and I’ve discussed with Mauricio the possibility of using the Mini-Mendel with an adapter, a Pen Holder to write the pcb’s layouts. The X axis carriage from the Mini-Mendel was disassembled and after I’ve finished assemble it, it looked a little wobbly, and we don’t want a wobbly printer!
So, Thingiverse to the rescue, and we found theMendel Mini-Carriage, and of we go… to the Makerbot!!!
This was my first interaction with a 3d Printer, and everything went well… until… when the print reached about 1cm of height, the extruder decided stop the extrusion… damn!
We started over, but there was a suspicion over the laptop, so we’ve tried using the SD Card to print… it didn’t work! Now the suspect is the version 3 firmware… and the laptop… it’s a cabala or lack of luck :p
Did we give up? No, of course not, we’ve selected a smaller piece of the Mini-Carriage and pressed “BUILD”, and all went as expected, the first piece of the Mini-carriage was a success!
Let’s try another… and all went well.. until the 1cm of height… the extruder failed again :p
It was getting late, so we’ve closed the shop for the day… err… night.
But not everything was lost, we’ve plotted a plan to develop a Gen8 electronics, just wait for it 🙂