altLab at Lisbon Maker Faire

The Lis­bon Maker Fai­re is hover and we are still cat­ching our bre­ath after three super inten­se days of sha­ring our pas­si­on for making with our com­mu­nity and the gene­ral public

Whi­le we go over our notes and pre­pa­re a pro­per post tel­ling of our adven­tu­res at the Fai­re, here are some of the many pho­to­graphs we took to give you a sam­ple of what it was like.

Day 1, Fri­day Sep­tem­ber 19

Link to the photos

Day 2, Satur­day Sep­tem­ber 20

Link to the photos

Day 3, Sun­day Sep­tem­ber 21

Link to the photos

Big thanks to all our mem­bers man­ning the booth and run­ning the Junk Chal­len­ge, and to Móni­ca for the photos.

And don’t for­get, Tues­day is open day at the lab, so come and visit us!