AZ Residency Day 6 – Vitor Espadinha Si Teh Luv

Day 6 star­ted pretty late. At 10 o clock we had a mini maker­bot workshop to repla­ce a bro­ken extru­der pie­ce, but most folks were still asle­ep from staying up till late wor­king on the Pia­no Cock­tail, so only Cata­ri­na and Gui­lher­me mana­ged to attend and fix the bro­ken piece.

Late arri­vers João, Vitor and Mécia arri­ved shor­tly after whi­le i tri­ed to finish up some work on the hai­ku gene­ra­tor and Mau­ri­cio was wor­king on the key­bo­ard mis­chi­efs with Cata­ri­na. Gui­lher­me was alre­ady gone, he had to pre­pa­re his work for the Talk Show pie­ce down­town. A lit­tle whi­le later Móni­ca and Fran­ces­co deci­ded to join us in dis­co­ve­ring whe­re Black­box was actu­ally, we got abit lost but mana­ged to all arri­ve on time.

The pie­ce was pretty gre­at! Well pro­du­ced and per­for­med! So props to the ones invol­ved was in order and back we went to our resi­dency for some food and pro­ject pushing. Gui­lher­me and Cata­ri­na still mes­sing with the Maker­bot; Móni­ca blowing plants; Fili­pe, Ricar­do and Mau­ri­cio finishing up the Pia­no Cock­tail; Luis and João wor­king on the meal trac­king bal­let sys­tem; Pedro hel­ping out Jor­ge with his Ardui­no issu­es; and me trying out a cou­ple new remi­xes of the remix.

Befo­re din­ner we also had a short visit from a few per­for­man­ce rela­ted folks, see­min­gly guests from our host and fri­end here at Espa­ço do Tem­po, Rui Hor­ta. They see­med pretty inte­res­ted in our adven­tu­res with the new tech­no­lo­gi­es, espe­ci­ally in terms of networ­king and open sour­ce mentality.

The­re was no cate­ring on Satur­day apa­ren­tly, so things were abit more erra­tic but it all wor­ked out in the end. We mana­ged to orga­ni­ze a nice din­ner event with nearly everyo­ne pre­sent, and pro­ce­e­ded direc­tly to jud­ging the world famous Vitor Espa­di­nha “Recor­dar é Viver” remix com­po, par­ti­ci­pa­ting was me, Sér­gio and the pro­clai­med win­ner mis­ter Pedro Ângelo.

90’s elec­tro night pro­ce­eds as i type, everyo­ne seems to be hap­pily wor­king on their pro­jects and/or enjoying their refresh­ments. It sucks hard that tomor­row is the last day alre­ady. As a curi­o­sity note, it seems 95% of the folks here at the resi­dency use Mac’s, even if one of them does have Linux installed.