Arduino Hack Day report

[PT]No últi­mo sába­do, 5 de Feve­rei­ro, o altlab orga­ni­zou o Ardui­no Hack Day.
Par­ti­ci­pa­ram no even­to per­to de 40 pes­so­as, entre entu­si­as­tas em elec­tró­ni­ca, artis­tas, pro­gra­ma­do­res, arqui­tec­tos, fotó­gra­fos, amigos.
[EN]On Feb 5th altlab held its first Ardui­no Hack Day. Around 40 enthu­si­asts, artists, pro­gram­mers, archi­tects, pho­to­graphers and fri­ends par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the event.


[PT]Para mui­tos, foi o pri­mei­ro con­tac­to com o Ardui­no, a des­co­ber­ta da sim­pli­ci­da­de des­ta pla­ta­for­ma para o desen­vol­vi­men­to de pro­jec­tos de com­pu­ta­ção física.
Dis­tri­buí­dos por qua­tro ban­ca­das, os par­ti­ci­pan­tes come­ça­ram a expe­ri­men­tar assim que chegaram!
[EN]For many this was their first con­tact with the Ardui­no, dis­co­ve­ring the ease with whi­ch this plat­form can be used for the deve­lop­ment of phy­si­cal com­pu­ting projects.
Assem­bled around work­ben­ches, par­ti­ci­pants star­ted expe­ri­men­ting as soon as they arrived!

Arduino Hack Day Arduino Hack Day

[PT]Uma das ban­ca­das, dedi­ca­da ao tema Ardui­no, moto­res e a robó­ti­ca, ficou por con­ta do Gui­lher­me Mar­tins (Gui­bot). Nou­tra ban­ca­da, alguns prin­ci­pi­an­tes apren­di­am a dar os pri­mei­ros pas­sos, com a aju­da de mem­bros do altlab.
[EN]One of the tables, dedi­ca­ted to Ardui­no, motors and robo­tics, was run by Gui­lher­me Mar­tins (Gui­bot). Near by, at another table, some par­ti­ci­pants took their first steps with the help of altlab members.

Arduino Hack Day Arduino Hack Day

[PT]Enquan­to isso, a impres­so­ra 3D (“maker­bot”) tra­zi­da pelo nos­so con­vi­da­do neo­ze­lan­dês, Tia­go, ia impri­min­do as pri­mei­ras peças.
[EN]All the whi­le, the Maker­Bot brought by our New Zele­and guest Tia­go, was prin­ting some plas­tic parts for the projects.

Arduino Hack Day Arduino Hack Day

[PT]O Pedro Ânge­lo, do LCDLab, veio do Por­to para nos aju­dar e res­sus­ci­tou um pro­jec­to anti­go do Mau­rí­cio, que depois de pron­to gerou algu­ma diversão…
[EN]O Pedro Ânge­lo, from LCDLab, came from Por­to to help out and deci­ded to bring back to life an old pro­ject of Mau­rí­ci­o’s whi­ch imme­di­a­tely tur­ned into a lot of fun.…

Arduino Hack Day

[PT]Logo depois do almo­ço come­ça­ram as apre­sen­ta­ções. A Móni­ca Men­des e o Mau­rí­cio Mar­tins deram a conhe­cer o colec­ti­vo altlab, o seu pas­sa­do, pre­sen­te e futu­ro. A Cheng Xu, tam­bém nos­sa con­vi­da­da, apre­sen­tou-nos o See­e­dui­no Film. Por fim, o Gui­bot e o André, da Arti­ca, fala­ram do Moto­rui­no e do Farrusco.
[EN]After lun­ch we had some pre­sen­ta­ti­ons. Móni­ca Men­des and Mau­rí­cio Mar­tins tal­ked about the past, pre­sent and futu­re of altlab. Our guest Cheng Xu pre­sen­ted the See­dui­no film. Finally, Gui­bot and André from Arti­ca tal­ked about the Moto­rui­no and Farrusco.

Arduino Hack Day Arduino Hack Day

[PT]Pas­sa­das 10 horas de puro hac­king e mui­ta cer­ve­ja, o Ardui­no Hack Day che­ga­va ao fim, todos os par­ti­ci­pan­tes mui­to satis­fei­tos com a expe­ri­ên­cia. O altlab con­se­guiu con­cre­ti­zar o prin­ci­pal objec­ti­vo des­ta ini­ci­a­ti­va: jun­tar pes­so­as inte­res­sa­das em par­ti­lhar conhe­ci­men­tos sobre o Ardui­no, aju­dar quem nun­ca tinha desen­vol­vi­do nada com a pla­ta­for­ma e con­quis­tar novos inte­res­sa­dos em per­ten­cer a este colec­ti­vo fantástico!
[EN]After 10 hours of pure hac­king and lots of beer, the Ardui­no Hack Day came to an end, and everyo­ne left with a smi­le on their faces. We were able to attain the main goals for this event: gather peo­ple inte­res­ted in sha­ring kno­wled­ge about the Ardui­no, help tho­se who had never used the plat­form, and have seve­ral new mem­bers join our belo­ved collective.

[PT]Por últi­mo, fica aqui um agra­de­ci­men­to mui­to espe­ci­al aos mem­bros do altlab que con­tri­buí­ram na orga­ni­za­ção des­te evento:
[EN]Finally, a word of spe­ci­al thanks to the altlab mem­bers who con­tri­bu­ted to making the Ardui­no Hack Day possible:

Andre Almei­da, Fer­di Mei­er, Gui­lher­me Mar­tins, Leo­nar­do Mar­ques, Manu­el Alves, Mau­ri­cio Mar­tins, Móni­ca Men­des, Nuno João, Pau­lo Rodri­gues e Pedro Ânge­lo (LCD).

Some pho­tos by João Noguei­ra e Rita Carvalho.

Flic­kr Pho­to Set:

English ver­si­on soon!

Soldering is Easy workshop report

Ter­ri­fic night yes­ter­day @ altlab!
The workshop star­ted with an intro to elec­tro­nics lea­ving the atten­de­es anxi­ous to get down to soldering.
Des­pi­te that, everyo­ne was focu­sing their atten­ti­on on what was being said.
Half an hour later the sol­de­ring irons were plug­ged in and the fun started.

Soldering is Easy!
Hands-on and having fun!

Kit Pisca-Pisca
Blin­king LED KIT

A new Hac­ker is born ! @Ricar­do Castelhano

Here is the final result, everyo­ne lea­ves with their own blin­king gadget.

More pho­tos @flickr

AZ ready for world domination

It took us a whi­le, but prac­ti­ce makes per­fect, and we’­re now much clo­ser to ridi­cu­ling Jus­tin Bie­ber than we’­ve ever been before!

You might have noti­ced what deri­ved from our Resi­dency @ Espa­ço do Tem­po, a dozen pro­jects from seve­ral folks spre­ad over the 3 labs explo­ring the robo­tic, the inte­rac­ti­ve, the sen­so­ri­al, the tan­gi­ble, the gene­ra­ti­ve, the audi­o­vi­su­al, the aug­men­ted, the pro­vo­ca­ti­ve, the per­for­ma­ti­ve and a few other of all tho­se dirty lit­tle words you so much secre­tly love hea­ring about. Don’t be shy now. Nothing wrong with get­ting a lit­tle tan­gi­ble now and again. 😉

We even par­ti­ci­pa­ted in a lit­tle exhi­bit last month at Pavi­lhão Atlân­ti­co to pre­sent the­se and a cou­ple other works. And now we’­re back with more wea­pons of mass des­truc­ti­on. And now, this very wee­kend we’­re mee­ting up again for some holi­day hac­king fol­lery at LCD to show some more of our pro­jects and do a few mini-sprints. Feel free to join us. Lock up your geeks, we’­re coming for them!

Con­ti­nue rea­dingAZ ready for world domination”

Call for developers

For tho­se who have been pre­sent at alt lab mee­tings know by now that I’m cur­ren­tly deve­lo­ping a 3D Laser Printer.

Laser pro­jec­ti­on

As far as elec­tro­nics everything is almost good to go with some minor twe­aks, but I’m facing a giant pro­blem now. I  don’t have time to deve­lop soft­ware for this pet and I don’t want it to be delayed for much lon­ger than it alre­ady has been, so I’m reques­ting for kind hear­ted deve­lo­pers to step up and help me in this task.

Any help is wel­co­me ple­a­se con­tact me to lj dot marques@fct dot unl dot pt (repla­ce “dot” for “.”).

Cur­rent device

Ple­a­se adress this Git Hub repo­si­tory for your kind code donations:

Expla­na­ti­on of devi­ce components.