Soldering is Easy workshop report

Ter­ri­fic night yes­ter­day @ altlab!
The workshop star­ted with an intro to elec­tro­nics lea­ving the atten­de­es anxi­ous to get down to soldering.
Des­pi­te that, everyo­ne was focu­sing their atten­ti­on on what was being said.
Half an hour later the sol­de­ring irons were plug­ged in and the fun started.

Soldering is Easy!
Hands-on and having fun!

Kit Pisca-Pisca
Blin­king LED KIT

A new Hac­ker is born ! @Ricar­do Castelhano

Here is the final result, everyo­ne lea­ves with their own blin­king gadget.

More pho­tos @flickr

AZ ready for world domination

It took us a whi­le, but prac­ti­ce makes per­fect, and we’­re now much clo­ser to ridi­cu­ling Jus­tin Bie­ber than we’­ve ever been before!

You might have noti­ced what deri­ved from our Resi­dency @ Espa­ço do Tem­po, a dozen pro­jects from seve­ral folks spre­ad over the 3 labs explo­ring the robo­tic, the inte­rac­ti­ve, the sen­so­ri­al, the tan­gi­ble, the gene­ra­ti­ve, the audi­o­vi­su­al, the aug­men­ted, the pro­vo­ca­ti­ve, the per­for­ma­ti­ve and a few other of all tho­se dirty lit­tle words you so much secre­tly love hea­ring about. Don’t be shy now. Nothing wrong with get­ting a lit­tle tan­gi­ble now and again. 😉

We even par­ti­ci­pa­ted in a lit­tle exhi­bit last month at Pavi­lhão Atlân­ti­co to pre­sent the­se and a cou­ple other works. And now we’­re back with more wea­pons of mass des­truc­ti­on. And now, this very wee­kend we’­re mee­ting up again for some holi­day hac­king fol­lery at LCD to show some more of our pro­jects and do a few mini-sprints. Feel free to join us. Lock up your geeks, we’­re coming for them!

Con­ti­nue rea­dingAZ ready for world domination”

AZLabs @ O Espaço do Tempo

After many days of work, stress and fun, we seem to have mana­ged to pull through 10 pro­jects to show­ca­se at O Espa­ço do Tem­po! The exhi­bi­ti­on ope­ned yes­ter­day, 12th July at Con­ven­to da Sau­da­ção and will remain in exhi­bit until the end of the month.

We also have a mini-site with bios of the authors and des­crip­ti­ons of the works, tem­po­ra­rily hos­ted here. Not only of the works pre­sent at the exhi­bi­ti­on but also a few others deve­lo­ped during the resi­dency that couldn’t be exhi­bi­ted by one rea­son or another. Check them out!

Big thanks are in order to everyo­ne at O Espa­ço do Tem­po for the oppor­tu­nity we had, and all the in loco sup­port to our needs, you rock. 🙂

AZLabs @ O Espaço Do Tempo (0day ‑2)

2 days to go until the exhi­bit ope­ning of the Audi­en­cia Zero Labs resi­dency at O Espa­ço Do Tempo!

A few folks seem to be mis­sing in acti­on. Mau­ri­cio is back with some news from Inte­rac­ti­vos to lend us a hand on pen­ding pro­jects. Móni­ca and Pedro are still wor­king on B‑wind!. Mar­ga­ri­da wor­king on his robot Freddy. Vic­tor Sil­va rehe­ar­sing his The Last Words of Domi­ni­co. Vic­tor and Mar­co wor­king on Dis­car­da­ble Beauty. Gui­lher­me finishing his Róbo­ti­ca Cri­a­ti­va works. And me finishing up Meta Gen Hai­ku. Cata­ri­na and Joel should also show up tomo­row with their Micro Dérive.

Web­si­te with more info on the pre­sen­ted pro­jects should go onli­ne soon. In the mean­ti­me if you should show up on Mon­day the 12th July in Mon­te­mor-O-Novo for the exhi­bit. We will have 7 pro­jects ins­tal­led under exhi­bi­ti­on until the 31st July, and 2 live­acts pre­sen­ted on the exhi­bi­ti­on day 12th July.

In the mean­ti­me we’ll lea­ve you with some impor­tant t‑shirt quo­te mate­ri­al we have recen­tly acquired:
“48 horas são 6 dias de tra­ba­lho, em tur­nos de 8 horas”
“Eu só faço pro­jec­ti­on map­ping quan­do estou bêbado”
“Não tens pin­cel para isso. Vai antes de rolo.”
“Que­res falar ao tele­fo­ne? Fala aí! *slap*”

AZ Labs Exhibition @ O Espaço do Tempo

LCD + AltLab + xDA
12 — 31 July 2010
Con­ven­to da Sau­da­ção | Mon­te­mor-o-Novo | Portugal

Exhi­bi­ti­on: Mon­day to Fri­day — 6pm / 11pm | Satur­day and Sun­day — 4pm /11pm
Ope­ning: 12th of July, 18h00

Artists : Cata­ri­na Mota | Fili­pe Cruz | Fran­ces­co Cerut­ti | Gui­lher­me Mar­tins | João Maia e Sil­va | Joël Belou­et | Jor­ge Ribei­ro | Pedro Ânge­lo | Mar­ga­ri­da Faria | Mau­rí­cio Mar­tins | Móni­ca Men­des | Mar­co Mou­ra | Mari­a­na Fer­rei­ra | Mécia Sá | Ricar­do Web­bens | Sér­gio Fer­rei­ra | Tia­go Ser­ra | Vitor Lago Sil­va | Vic­tor Martins

This exhi­bi­ti­on pre­sents the results of a uni­que expe­ri­ment. For 17 days, 30 mem­bers of the Audi­en­cia Zero Labs from all over the coun­try and also abro­ad lived and wor­ked together on col­lec­ti­ve pro­jects. New teams were for­med, infi­ni­te ide­as pro­po­sed, new tools and tech­no­lo­gi­es expe­ri­men­ted with, incre­di­ble adven­tu­res lived and new fri­ends made. The pro­jects at this exhi­bit are just the tip of the veil, the true impact of this expe­ri­en­ce is yet to come.

More info @ O Espa­ço do Tempo