My Summer @ NYC Resistor


This sum­mer I was a resi­dent at NYC Resis­tor (NYCR), a hac­ker col­lec­ti­ve based in Bro­o­klyn, NY. I’m now back home in Lis­bon and would like to sha­re a bri­ef round-up of this won­der­ful experience.

First of all I must men­ti­on how incre­di­bly wel­co­ming and fun all the mem­bers of the col­lec­ti­ve are. Not only did they let me sha­re their spa­ce for two who­le months, pro­vi­ding me with a gre­at lear­ning oppor­tu­nity, but also made me feel at home among them and showed me a gre­at time.

I was lucky to get the­re just as their Awe­so­me August chal­len­ge was star­ting. The idea here being that NYCR mem­bers chal­len­ged each other to finish one gre­at pro­ject until the end of that month. The pro­jects were inde­ed awe­so­me, from an Eight Foot Lite Bri­te, an FPGA-based DNA sequen­ce align­ment acce­le­ra­tor, a Mono­me, a Player Toy Pia­no, and some very civi­li­zed smashing… to name only a few.

Another of my favo­ri­te sta­ples, and the one I think I’ll miss the most, was Craft Night. Every Thurs­day eve­ning NYCR opens its doors to tho­se of us “who like to make stuff… so you don’t have to make stuff by your­self.” On the­se nights, NYCR mem­bers help visi­tors with their pro­jects by sha­ring tips and kno­wled­ge, and everyo­ne just has a gre­at time wor­king together around one big table.

And then of cour­se, the­re was the unfor­get­ta­ble Inte­rac­ti­ve Party, during whi­ch some of Awe­so­me August’s pro­jects were shown, and that even inclu­ded a giant robot cake, chalk drawing on the flo­or, a Wimshurst machi­ne, and crayo­la model magic.

NYCR is cur­ren­tly offe­ring a seri­es of really inte­res­ting clas­ses, whi­ch I’m very sad to miss.

During my resi­dency I wor­ked on a few (really fun) expe­ri­ments with paper/cardboard pulp and soft cir­cuits, as well as other (frus­tra­ting) ones with car­bon nano­tu­bes. More on that later — I’m still unpacking 🙂

Thank you NYC Resistor!

Dissecting old hardware

The last two ses­si­ons at Altlab have been a tre­men­dous fun!

We had been col­lec­ting lots of old hard­ware (pc’s, modems, mothe­bo­ards, cd-roms, prin­ters, etc)  to give it a new pur­po­se! Finally we deci­ded to start to take pro­fit from it.

Basi­cally in old hard­ware trash, the­re are lot’s of inte­res­ting things that still work very well (like motors,  leds, scre­ens) and can be re-uti­li­zed in other projects.

Here we have some pic­tu­res of this activity :

One of the results, a box full of motors :

So if you have in your pla­ce some old elec­tro­nic equip­ment sto­red that you are no pla­ning to use it any­mo­re, you can bring it to AltLab and we’ll take care of it! 😉

More pic­tu­res in our Flic­kr Pho­to Stream

Workshop de Impressão 3D com Zach Hoeken (Lisboa)

3D Printing Workshop

Datas: 19 de Out a 1 de Nov de 2009

Local: Lis­boa (espa­ço a anunciar)


19:30 às 22:30 (dias de semana)

11:00 às 19:00 (fins de semana)

total de 58h

Infor­ma­ção e ins­cri­ções:


Orga­ni­za­ção: Audi­ên­cia Zero (altLab + LCD)

Con­tac­to: cata­ri­na­mo­ta (at) audi­en­ci­a­ze­ro (dot) org

(ins­cri­ções aber­tas :: núme­ro limi­ta­do de vagas)


A impres­são 3D é uma for­ma ori­gi­nal de impres­são, no âmbi­to da tec­no­lo­gia de pro­to­ti­pa­gem, em que um objec­to tri­di­men­si­o­nal é cri­a­do por uma máqui­na a par­tir da acu­mu­la­ção de cama­das suces­si­vas de um dado mate­ri­al (Wiki­pe­dia).

O Workshop

O objec­ti­vo do workshop é a cons­tru­ção e uti­li­za­ção de uma impres­so­ra 3D open sour­ce (mode­lo Maker­Bot). Os par­ti­ci­pan­tes irão cons­truir a máqui­na de raiz: des­de a mon­ta­gem das com­po­nen­tes elec­tró­ni­cas e extru­sor, pas­san­do pela mecâ­ni­ca, até à jun­ção de todas as peças. Irão ain­da adqui­rir e aper­fei­ço­ar apti­dões e téc­ni­cas nas área de fabri­co de elec­tró­ni­ca, mecâ­ni­ca, mode­la­ção 3D, fabri­ca­ção digi­tal e reso­lu­ção de pro­ble­mas com impres­so­ras 3D. O workshop será ain­da um lugar pri­vi­le­gi­a­do para adqui­rir conhe­ci­men­tos sobre os mais diver­sos tópi­cos, como teo­ria da elec­tró­ni­ca, design de firmwa­re, enge­nha­ria mecâ­ni­ca, pro­to­co­los de série, fabri­ca­ção digi­tal e dese­nho 3D.

A impres­so­ra 3D cons­truí­da duran­te o workshop fica­rá pos­te­ri­or­men­te dis­po­ní­vel para os mem­bros do altLab (qual­quer inte­res­sa­do se pode ins­cre­ver no altLab se assim o dese­jar). Os par­ti­ci­pan­tes que dese­jem cons­truir a sua pró­pria máqui­na, e levá-la para casa, terão que adqui­rir o res­pec­ti­vo kit open sour­ce no site da Maker­Bot.

Zach Hoe­ken

Zach Hoe­ken likes to dre­am big, fail big, and win big. His true pas­si­on in life is acting as a catalyst and hel­ping others do ama­zing things. Whether it is cre­a­ting open sour­ce micro con­trol­lers (, robot con­trol­ler soft­ware (, object sha­ring web­si­tes (, self repli­ca­ting 3D prin­ters (, or hac­ker col­lec­ti­ves ( the­re is one cen­tral pur­po­se: to help other peo­ple help them­sel­ves cre­a­te an awe­so­me world to live in. He hopes that some­day we can cre­a­te a world that sur­pas­ses even the wil­dest futu­res por­trayed in sci­en­ce fic­ti­on. He thinks the uni­ver­se is and will con­ti­nue to be com­ple­tely rad. Do you want to help?

Datas e Valo­res para ins­cri­ção no workshop:

Ins­cri­ções até 31 de Julho: 200€*

(50% no acto de ins­cri­ção + 50% até 19 de Setembro)

Ins­cri­ções após 31 de Julho: 250€*

(pagos no acto de inscrição)

* não reembolsável

3D printing workshop

digital art girls @ futurartes

digital art girls @ futurartes
Ladi­es, from left to right: Raquel Par­dal, Ana Car­va­lho, Dia­na Com­bo, Elga Fer­rei­ra, Petra Fari­nha, Cata­ri­na Mota, and Móni­ca Men­des. And then, of cour­se, the­re’s Rudol­fo Quin­tas in betwe­en Elga and Petra 🙂 Note that we tri­ed to hide our lap­tops under the table to avoid loo­king like total wor­kaho­lics, but Móni­ca’s still shows…

We loved the first edi­ti­on of futu­rar­tes. The­re were talks by LCD (Pedro Ânge­lo), In Moti­on (Fili­pe Val­pe­rei­ro), and altLab + open­Ma­te­ri­als (me), Pro­ces­sing and PD workshops (Pedro Ânge­lo), per­for­man­ces by Rudol­fo Quin­tas, Diat0m (Rui Mon­tei­ro), and Magen­ta Inte­ri­or (Ana Car­va­lho). Thank you Pedro and Raquel for a won­der­ful festival!

But mos­tly it was gre­at to, for the first time in qui­te a whi­le, gather together so many Por­tu­gue­se girls wor­king in digi­tal arts — the­re were 8 of us, ins­te­ad of the usu­al 2 or 3. Raquel, Ana, Dia­na, Elga, Petra, Cata­ri­na, Móni­ca, and Letí­cia (who wasn’t the­re for the group pic) are deve­lo­ping expe­ri­men­tal work on tan­gi­ble inter­fa­ces, bio art, com­pu­ter visi­on, phy­si­cal com­pu­ting, live video pro­ces­sing, hybrid mate­ri­als engi­ne­e­ring, and per­for­man­ce. Yay ladies!

LCD spring show

LCD spring show
Our fri­ends at LCD are having their semi­an­nu­al show this thurs­day. If your in Por­to do stop by. The­re will be many awe­so­me pie­ces to see/play with, and lots of won­der­ful and cre­a­ti­ve peo­ple to meet.