AZ Labs @ O Espaço do Tempo


The AZ Labs resi­dency at Espa­ço do Tem­po in Mon­te­mor-o-Novo is sadly over for now. Folks have been wor­king hard to finish things up for the pro­to exhi­bi­ti­on of pro­jects we had on Saturday.

A few pro­jects were shel­ved or aban­do­ned for dif­fe­rent rea­sons. Not sta­ble enough, not enough time, no right mate­ri­als, not enough beer. In the end were left with 9 projects.

AR Cubes — André Sier deve­lo­ped a few expe­ri­ments with cubes glu­ed with prin­ted aug­men­ted rea­lity fidu­ci­al mar­kers. Dif­fe­rent mar­kers trig­ger dif­fe­rent effects. You can play with them to make dif­fe­rent com­bi­na­ti­ons of objects and lines inte­rac­ting with each other.


Trac­king Head — Tia­go Ser­ra, Andrea Ino­cên­cio and Mau­ri­cio Mar­tins wor­ked on a mane­quin head res­cu­ed during a dumps­ter diving ses­si­on. They equip­ped a box with IR leds and use a came­ra with fil­ters to track the move­ment of the box. With the­se valu­es they send rota­ti­on infor­ma­ti­on to a ser­vo motor equi­ped in the base of the mane­quin head. The same valu­es are also sent to a soft­ware that selects a cor­res­pon­ding angle pho­to whi­ch is pro­jec­ted in the mane­quin. This sys­tem makes the fre­aky mane­quin head rota­te in the direc­ti­on of the object.

Tal­king Head — Next to the Trac­king Head we have a spe­a­ker box equip­ped wih an ardui­no, an ir recei­ver and a wave shi­eld. When the box han­dled by the user aims at the spe­a­ker box it trig­gers ran­dom sam­ples from a sam­ple pool, giving the illu­si­on that the head itself is tal­king. Mau­ri­cio, André, Fili­pe, João and Rita wor­ked on this project.

Trac­king Boids — The flo­or of the Trac­king Head spa­ce is cove­red with small light spots flying around. The­se boids, pro­gram­med by André Sier may look like ran­dom dis­co lights on first glan­ce but when some­o­ne moves into the came­ra they flock towards the user.


Micro CNC — Tia­go Ror­ke had been wor­king on a Micro CNC pro­ject, pie­ces prin­ted with the Maker­bot. Tere­za Car­do­so gave him a hand making a pro­ject out of it by taking pho­tos of the atten­ders of the resi­dency, down­gra­ding them to vec­tor for­mat and having the micro cnc sket­ch them. They are drawn on the walls of the resi­dency itself, along with qr code lin­king to video inter­vi­ews tal­king about each per­sons invol­ve­ment with the dif­fe­rent projects.

Paint Video Sig­nals — Andrea Ino­cên­cio recor­ded some short vide­os of red blue and black paint being appli­ed to dif­fe­rent mediums (water, paper, table). Fili­pe Cruz did a lit­tle pro­ces­sing sket­ch to extract midi valu­es from a grid of pixels in the video and send them to reak­tor. Some gene­ra­ti­ve sound tests were recor­ded and mixed into a video dvd.

Blip Blop Blir Boxes — André Sier and Mau­ri­cio Mar­tins wor­ked on a few small boxes pac­ked with an Ardui­no, IR sen­sors, LEDs and spe­a­kers. Boxes poin­ting to each other make the LEDs chan­ge their color. A third box poin­ted to the pre­vi­ous boxes makes them give out some blips and blops sounds.


O mun­do é em cada ins­tan­te o que ele não pode não ser.” — A pro­ject con­cei­ved by Patri­cia Pro­en­ça con­sis­ting of a hand drawn ani­ma­ti­on of a tree growing being pro­jec­ted into a wall. The ani­ma­ti­on is trig­ge­red when a wate­ring can equi­ped with a cellpho­ne is til­ted into an ali­en plant object. Tia­go Ser­ra gave her a hand with the tech­ni­cal implementation.

Trail­chi — Gui­lher­me Car­ta­xo and Sónia Mala­qui­as been wor­king for whi­le on their pro­ject invol­ving long expo­si­ons to tai chi ses­si­ons per­for­med in the dark with a sword and suit equip­ped with 12 LEDs. The cap­tu­red ani­ma­ti­ons makes some beau­ti­ful light trails art. Also helps analy­se the moti­on of the session.