OF007-lx — workshop report


This last wee­kend, at altlab, we had OF007-LX, an workshop on cre­a­ti­ve c++ coding using open­Fra­meworks, led by André Sier.

The workshop began with ins­tal­la­ti­on of open­fra­meworks, tuto­ri­al on vari­a­bles, func­ti­ons, cycles, clas­ses, all tho­se goo­di­es whi­ch allowed us to pro­cess with ima­ges, sounds, came­ras, par­ti­cles, blobs, phy­si­cal computing.

A seri­es of situ­a­ti­ons whe­re deve­lo­ped and dyna­mi­cally chan­ged to adjust into finer pro­grams. Drawing sha­pes with sty­les, video pon­ti­lism, par­ti­cles inte­rac­ti­ons, kinect meshi­fi­ca­ti­on, video inte­rac­ti­on to pro­grams, sound making and interactivities.

The last after­no­on we had a pro­gram­ming jam, buil­ding indi­vi­du­al pro­jects, whe­re peo­ple would let loo­se their thoughts and attempt to code them. Almost everyo­ne left the workshop with a wor­king idea run­ning on their devi­ces, and, abo­ve all, a power­ful new way to build more and more ideas:)

We should pro­ba­bly do this again soon, it was fun, stay tuned!


»On 16 Jul 2012, at 4:58 PM, João Alves wrote:
»Boa tarde!
»Gos­tei mui­to do workshop e apren­di bastante.
»Só tive pena na ins­ta­la­ção dos dri­vers da Kinect para Win­dows que me atra­sa­ram um pou­co mas devo infor­mar que já con­se­gui ins­ta­lar e cor­rer a compilação.
»Eis alguns prints de um pro­je­to que ten­tei desen­vol­ver na aula (atta­ch­ments).
»Fico à espe­ra do nível dois do workshop OF:)


some ima­ges of the cool pro­jects coding at the workshop!