Category: News
Workshop Arduino Shields
Processing Night Sessions
altLab goes on vacation :P
Since it’s really hot and most of our members are headed towards the beach for some well deserved vacations, we won’t be holding our Tuesday night public sessions until August, 15.
Have a great summer and see you at the next meeting on August, 16 🙂
Caros amigos: o altLab encontra-se encerrado até 15 de Agosto para descanso do pessoal.
Tenham todos um óptimo verão, e até a próxima sessão Terça-Feira 16 de Agosto 🙂
The Makerbot that sang Happy Birthday
( via LCD )
The AZ Labs network is a family of sorts, and as the good family we are we commemorate our members birthdays, hacker style
First our friends at Altlab made a hard(ware) cake last week to celebrate XDA’s Tiago Serra’s birthday and took the chance to test their spiffy new Altlab TV ustream channel
[ustream vid=“15957244”]
This week, we decided to celebrate our friend Catarina’s birthday by making the Makerbot we named after her sing Happy Birthday:
The hack was really easy to do, we just pulled a MIDI file with the song from the web, edited it to only have one track and passed through michthom’s MIDI-to-CNC script to generate the G‑Code for the bot.
Whose birthday is next and what will we do to celebrate it?