Contraste 2013 — Já este Domingo — Venha connosco!

Cartaz - Apresentação Altlab Benfica - A Tecnologia é Humana




Fes­ti­val Cri­ar Con­tras­te 2013, promovido/organizado pelo Pelou­ro Des­por­to e Juven­tu­de da JFB e mem­bros do Clu­be J irão apre­sen­tar, no dia 23 de Junho, a ini­ci­a­ti­va “A Tec­no­lo­gia é Huma­na” que irá ser com­pos­ta pela exi­bi­ção de fil­mes, deba­tes e demons­tra­ções diversas.

Nós esta­re­mos lá com demons­tra­ções do nos­so know-how e workshops. Vêm também! 🙂


Veja aqui o programa


The Fes­ti­val Cri­ar Con­tras­te 2013pro­mo­ted  and orga­ni­zed by the mem­bers of the Depart­ment of Sports and Youth JFB and J Club will pre­sent on 23 June, the ini­ti­a­ti­ve “Tech­no­logy is Human” whi­ch will be com­po­sed by film scre­e­nings, deba­tes and vari­ous demonstrations.

We will be the­re demons­tra­ting our know-how and workshops. Be the­re to! 🙂


You can check the pro­gram sche­du­le here

Violeta — Fixed and on tour


A cou­ple of weeks ago Luis Dinis, took Vio­le­ta for a demons­tra­ti­on @ IBM

Accor­ding to his report the pre­sen­ta­ti­on was a success 🙂


Entre os dias 10 e 13 de Julho, a “Vio­le­ta” este­ve em demons­tra­ção na IBM.

Esta opor­tu­ni­da­de sur­giu no âmbi­to da ini­ci­a­ti­va EX.I.T.E. — EXplo­rar os Inte­res­ses pela Tec­no­lo­gia e Enge­nha­ria que é rea­li­za­da em Por­tu­gal des­de 2005 e no âmbi­to das prá­ti­cas de res­pon­sa­bi­li­da­de soci­al da IBM.

Este pro­gra­ma glo­bal visa con­tri­buir para a redu­ção da dis­pa­ri­da­de de géne­ro, nome­a­da­men­te no que se refe­re ao aces­so às áre­as das enge­nha­ri­as e ciên­ci­as e ao tra­ba­lho cola­bo­ra­ti­vo, por par­te de jovens rapa­ri­gas na fai­xa etá­ria dos 11 aos 13 anos.

A “Vio­le­ta” fez um suces­so, espe­ci­al­men­te por­que o con­cei­to de impres­são em 3D é rela­ti­va­men­te recen­te e mais ain­da quan­do se per­ce­be que uma ino­va­ção des­tas pode ser fei­ta atra­vés da sim­ples cola­bo­ra­ção entre um gru­po de pessoas.”


Betwe­en the 10th and the 13th July, “Vio­let” went on demons­tra­ti­on at IBM.

This oppor­tu­nity sur­fa­ced from the EX.I.T.E (EXplo­re the Inte­rests for Tech­no­logy and Engi­ne­e­ring), ini­ti­a­ti­ve that has been orga­ni­zed in Por­tu­gal sin­ce 2005 and from IBM’s soci­al res­pon­si­bi­lity practices.

This glo­bal pro­gram aims to con­tri­bu­te to the reduc­ti­on on gen­der dis­pa­rity, namely brid­ge the ease of access to col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve work on the are­as of engi­ne­e­ring and sci­en­ces, for young girls with ages com­pri­sed from 11 to 13 years old.

“Vio­let” was a suc­cess, spe­ci­ally becau­se of the rela­ti­ve recent con­cept that is 3D Prin­ting, and more so when one rea­li­zes that such a inno­va­ti­on can be achi­e­ved by sim­ple group collaboration.”


This is not, but could as well be the start of a tour for vio­let. So to all of you that are rea­ding out the­re, if you want Vio­let to visit your scho­ol, your com­pany, your col­lec­ti­ve… form a group, wri­te the group names on a list and drop us a mail, chan­ces are you will be seeing Vio­let Live soon, here’s the press rele­a­se appro­ved by IBM


3D Printing, a disruptive technology…

Pho­to illus­tra­ti­on: Andrew B. Myers


3D Prin­ting seems to be finally hit­ting the mainstream.

Peo­ple are becom­ming awa­re of this new old tec­no­logy, much due to the fact that the avai­la­bi­lity and open sour­ce­ness of it is plun­ging down the cost of model printing.

The rea­lity of this is fal­ling like a ham­mer in the indus­try that is star­ting to see how dis­rup­ti­ve this tech will be. So much that law suits over copy­right have star­ted to hap­pen as we write.


Games Workshop, the UK-based firm that makes Warham­mer, noti­ced Valenty’s work and sent Thin­gi­ver­se a take­down noti­ce, citing the Digi­tal Mil­len­nium Copy­right Act. Thin­gi­ver­se remo­ved the files, and Valenty suddenly

beca­me an unwil­ling com­ba­tant in the next digi­tal war: the fight over copying phy­si­cal objects.


Check out the full arti­cle @ WIRED >here<



altLab Last Meetings — Update


We have been absent from pos­ting news for a cou­ple of weeks now, but we haven’t been in no way inactive.

The­se last two mee­tings have been fruit­full, we have dedi­ca­ted some time to fixing the teles­co­pe con­trol­ler, the col­lec­ti­ve has new mem­bers and this new blo­od is pum­ping full of ideas.

It is time to talk back to the com­mu­nity, and tomor­row we will be put­ting up some inves­ti­ga­ti­ons we have been up.

Here’s a list of some things we will be upda­ting tomorrow


- PCB work­ben­ch Pro­ject may come with a silks­cre­en flavour

- Dimen­si­on Eli­te tes­ting @Fablab EDP, Vio­le­ta’s Big Brother √

- Laser­cut Tes­tings @Fablab EDP

- Explo­ra­ti­ons on PCB cre­a­ti­on tech­ni­ques — The Silks­cre­en Method

- The Pro­ject’s Project

- Vio­le­ta Fixed and going on Tour √


See you soon, here is a peek at some shots of the upcom­ming articles 😉