A couple of weeks ago Luis Dinis, took Violeta for a demonstration @ IBM
According to his report the presentation was a success 🙂
“Entre os dias 10 e 13 de Julho, a “Violeta” esteve em demonstração na IBM.
Esta oportunidade surgiu no âmbito da iniciativa EX.I.T.E. — EXplorar os Interesses pela Tecnologia e Engenharia que é realizada em Portugal desde 2005 e no âmbito das práticas de responsabilidade social da IBM.
Este programa global visa contribuir para a redução da disparidade de género, nomeadamente no que se refere ao acesso às áreas das engenharias e ciências e ao trabalho colaborativo, por parte de jovens raparigas na faixa etária dos 11 aos 13 anos.
A “Violeta” fez um sucesso, especialmente porque o conceito de impressão em 3D é relativamente recente e mais ainda quando se percebe que uma inovação destas pode ser feita através da simples colaboração entre um grupo de pessoas.”
“Between the 10th and the 13th July, “Violet” went on demonstration at IBM.
This opportunity surfaced from the EX.I.T.E (EXplore the Interests for Technology and Engineering), initiative that has been organized in Portugal since 2005 and from IBM’s social responsibility practices.
This global program aims to contribute to the reduction on gender disparity, namely bridge the ease of access to collaborative work on the areas of engineering and sciences, for young girls with ages comprised from 11 to 13 years old.
“Violet” was a success, specially because of the relative recent concept that is 3D Printing, and more so when one realizes that such a innovation can be achieved by simple group collaboration.”
This is not, but could as well be the start of a tour for violet. So to all of you that are reading out there, if you want Violet to visit your school, your company, your collective… form a group, write the group names on a list and drop us a mail, chances are you will be seeing Violet Live soon, here’s the press release approved by IBM…