altLab’s new hacking facility

This Tues­day Altlabs ope­ned it’s new ama­zing hac­king spa­ce. Now within an old pla­nes sup­pling fac­tory that was recon­ver­ted into the Flying Hou­se Lis­boa a pla­ce that gathers music and urban artists.

This new pla­ce gives AltLab a gre­at new infras­truc­tu­re and loca­ti­on fil­led with pos­si­bi­li­ti­es. Sin­ce it’s a hea­vily indus­tri­a­li­zed area we can only won­der what new resour­ces and con­tacts we will gather to con­ti­nue impro­ving AltLab as a Hackersapce.

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The Flying Hou­se Lis­boa inclu­des a loun­ge area with a café and small home res­tau­rant on the second flo­or open to everyo­ne on the buil­ding  and to AltLab’s mem­bers of cour­se and a asto­nishing view over Lis­bon’s airport.

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Right on our first wee­kly mee­ting the­re we kic­ked off with a soft cir­cuits workshop by Cata­ri­na, no one would be bet­ter to debut our new spa­ce that one of our dear foun­ding members.

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We even got time to finish assem­bling the Maker­bot’s new rota­ting plat­form and extru­der that we hope to have them ready to print as soon as possible.

As usu­al our door is wide open to everyo­ne and we wel­co­me all tho­se lur­king cre­a­ti­ve minds to bring gre­at new ide­as and pro­jects to AltLab!

Call for developers

For tho­se who have been pre­sent at alt lab mee­tings know by now that I’m cur­ren­tly deve­lo­ping a 3D Laser Printer.

Laser pro­jec­ti­on

As far as elec­tro­nics everything is almost good to go with some minor twe­aks, but I’m facing a giant pro­blem now. I  don’t have time to deve­lop soft­ware for this pet and I don’t want it to be delayed for much lon­ger than it alre­ady has been, so I’m reques­ting for kind hear­ted deve­lo­pers to step up and help me in this task.

Any help is wel­co­me ple­a­se con­tact me to lj dot marques@fct dot unl dot pt (repla­ce “dot” for “.”).

Cur­rent device

Ple­a­se adress this Git Hub repo­si­tory for your kind code donations:

Expla­na­ti­on of devi­ce components.