Soldering is Easy workshop report

Ter­ri­fic night yes­ter­day @ altlab!
The workshop star­ted with an intro to elec­tro­nics lea­ving the atten­de­es anxi­ous to get down to soldering.
Des­pi­te that, everyo­ne was focu­sing their atten­ti­on on what was being said.
Half an hour later the sol­de­ring irons were plug­ged in and the fun started.

Soldering is Easy!
Hands-on and having fun!

Kit Pisca-Pisca
Blin­king LED KIT

A new Hac­ker is born ! @Ricar­do Castelhano

Here is the final result, everyo­ne lea­ves with their own blin­king gadget.

More pho­tos @flickr