3D Printing, a disruptive technology…

Pho­to illus­tra­ti­on: Andrew B. Myers


3D Prin­ting seems to be finally hit­ting the mainstream.

Peo­ple are becom­ming awa­re of this new old tec­no­logy, much due to the fact that the avai­la­bi­lity and open sour­ce­ness of it is plun­ging down the cost of model printing.

The rea­lity of this is fal­ling like a ham­mer in the indus­try that is star­ting to see how dis­rup­ti­ve this tech will be. So much that law suits over copy­right have star­ted to hap­pen as we write.


Games Workshop, the UK-based firm that makes Warham­mer, noti­ced Valenty’s work and sent Thin­gi­ver­se a take­down noti­ce, citing the Digi­tal Mil­len­nium Copy­right Act. Thin­gi­ver­se remo­ved the files, and Valenty suddenly

beca­me an unwil­ling com­ba­tant in the next digi­tal war: the fight over copying phy­si­cal objects.


Check out the full arti­cle @ WIRED >here<