LCD spring show

LCD spring show
Our fri­ends at LCD are having their semi­an­nu­al show this thurs­day. If your in Por­to do stop by. The­re will be many awe­so­me pie­ces to see/play with, and lots of won­der­ful and cre­a­ti­ve peo­ple to meet.

Futurartes 2009

Futurartes 2009
Dias 3 e 4 de Junho na Esco­la Supe­ri­or de Artes e Design das Cal­das da Rai­nha rea­li­za-se a pri­mei­ra edi­ção do Futu­rar­tes — encon­tro de artes e mul­ti­mé­dia, rea­li­za­do na ESAD. As acti­vi­da­des divi­dem-se em con­fe­rên­ci­as, espec­tá­cu­los, workshops e ins­ta­la­ções que pro­mo­vem o uso de novas tec­no­lo­gi­as de carác­ter ino­va­dor sob as for­mas já exis­ten­tes de expres­são e divul­ga­ção artís­ti­ca. Con­vi­dam-se assim todos os alu­nos da ESAD assim como todos os inte­res­sa­dos a com­pa­re­cer no even­to e atra­vés da sua par­ti­ci­pa­ção con­tri­buir para o suces­so do próprio.

Mais infor­ma­ção em


A docu­men­tary film by Jack Oat­mon. A look into the hard­ware hac­king com­mu­nity in Mon­tre­al, inclu­ding the Fou­lab col­lec­ti­ve. Why are more and more hobbyists expe­ri­men­ting with hacks and cir­cuit bends? What rela­ti­onship does this imply about con­su­mer soci­ety and tech­no­lo­gi­cal advan­ce­ment? Is this a real-world ana­log of ‘user gene­ra­ted con­tent’? (via jac­ko­at­mon­tre­al @ You­Tu­be)

Thanks Nuno João for brin­ging this to our attention 😉

openMaterials :: research project

My dear fri­end Kisty Boy­le and I recen­tly laun­ched open­Ma­te­ri­als — a col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve rese­ar­ch pro­ject dedi­ca­ted to open inves­ti­ga­ti­on and expe­ri­men­ta­ti­on with DIY pro­duc­ti­on methods and uses of mate­ri­als. In the spi­rit of the open sour­ce soft­ware and hard­ware move­ments, we hope to pro­mo­te mate­ri­als to be rese­ar­ched and deve­lo­ped in a public, col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve man­ner. We see mate­ri­als as an open resour­ce, and wish to esta­blish an open pro­cess for explo­ring and sha­ring kno­wled­ge, tech­ni­ques and appli­ca­ti­ons rela­ted to mate­ri­als science.

I’ll be con­duc­ting most of my hands-on rese­ar­ch right here at AltLab. We’d love for you to be invol­ved if you are wor­king in the­se are­as or inte­res­ted in lear­ning more about smart materials.