Our friends at LCD are having their semiannual show this thursday. If your in Porto do stop by. There will be many awesome pieces to see/play with, and lots of wonderful and creative people to meet.
Author: Catarina M.
Futurartes 2009
Dias 3 e 4 de Junho na Escola Superior de Artes e Design das Caldas da Rainha realiza-se a primeira edição do Futurartes — encontro de artes e multimédia, realizado na ESAD. As actividades dividem-se em conferências, espectáculos, workshops e instalações que promovem o uso de novas tecnologias de carácter inovador sob as formas já existentes de expressão e divulgação artística. Convidam-se assim todos os alunos da ESAD assim como todos os interessados a comparecer no evento e através da sua participação contribuir para o sucesso do próprio.
Mais informação em www.futurartes.com
A documentary film by Jack Oatmon. A look into the hardware hacking community in Montreal, including the Foulab collective. Why are more and more hobbyists experimenting with hacks and circuit bends? What relationship does this imply about consumer society and technological advancement? Is this a real-world analog of ‘user generated content’? (via jackoatmontreal @ YouTube)
Thanks Nuno João for bringing this to our attention 😉
AltLab and LCD @ Offf’09
Offf’09 rocked!
openMaterials :: research project
My dear friend Kisty Boyle and I recently launched openMaterials — a collaborative research project dedicated to open investigation and experimentation with DIY production methods and uses of materials. In the spirit of the open source software and hardware movements, we hope to promote materials to be researched and developed in a public, collaborative manner. We see materials as an open resource, and wish to establish an open process for exploring and sharing knowledge, techniques and applications related to materials science.
I’ll be conducting most of my hands-on research right here at AltLab. We’d love for you to be involved if you are working in these areas or interested in learning more about smart materials.