food for your stomach

Fee­ding 15 sle­ep depri­ved hac­kers is not an easy task and during the AZ Resi­dency only 3 peo­ple were bra­ve enough to put their culi­nary talents to the test: Joel, Vitor and Mari­a­na. Everyo­ne agre­ed that their home­ma­de meals were awe­so­me and no bug reports were filed. Sin­ce we beli­e­ve in sha­ring, here are Joel’s deli­ci­ous open sour­ce reci­pes (in fren­ch com­me il faut):

Salad Dres­sing [ VO ]

4 cuillè­re à sou­pe d’hui­le d’olive
3 cuillè­re à sou­pe de vinai­gre balsamique
2 cuillè­re à café de miel

Goû­ter et ajus­ter : si trop sucré, ajou­ter du vinai­gre / si trop amer, ajou­ter du miel.

Bask Chic­ken [ VO ]

Pré­voir un bon mor­ce­au de pou­let pour cha­cun des invités
Sau­ce tomate

Con­ti­nue rea­ding “food for your stomach”

altlab goes on vacation

Sin­ce it’s really hot and most of our mem­bers are hea­ded towards the bea­ch for some well deser­ved vaca­ti­ons, we won’t be hol­ding our Tues­day night public ses­si­ons until the end of August. Have a gre­at sum­mer and see you in September!

Caros ami­gos: o esta­be­le­ci­men­to altlab encon­tra-se encer­ra­do até ao final do mês de Agos­to para des­can­so do pes­so­al. A gerên­cia agra­de­ce a vos­sa pre­fe­rên­cia e espe­ra ver-vos de novo em Setembro 🙂

AZ Labs Exhibition @ O Espaço do Tempo

LCD + AltLab + xDA
12 — 31 July 2010
Con­ven­to da Sau­da­ção | Mon­te­mor-o-Novo | Portugal

Exhi­bi­ti­on: Mon­day to Fri­day — 6pm / 11pm | Satur­day and Sun­day — 4pm /11pm
Ope­ning: 12th of July, 18h00

Artists : Cata­ri­na Mota | Fili­pe Cruz | Fran­ces­co Cerut­ti | Gui­lher­me Mar­tins | João Maia e Sil­va | Joël Belou­et | Jor­ge Ribei­ro | Pedro Ânge­lo | Mar­ga­ri­da Faria | Mau­rí­cio Mar­tins | Móni­ca Men­des | Mar­co Mou­ra | Mari­a­na Fer­rei­ra | Mécia Sá | Ricar­do Web­bens | Sér­gio Fer­rei­ra | Tia­go Ser­ra | Vitor Lago Sil­va | Vic­tor Martins

This exhi­bi­ti­on pre­sents the results of a uni­que expe­ri­ment. For 17 days, 30 mem­bers of the Audi­en­cia Zero Labs from all over the coun­try and also abro­ad lived and wor­ked together on col­lec­ti­ve pro­jects. New teams were for­med, infi­ni­te ide­as pro­po­sed, new tools and tech­no­lo­gi­es expe­ri­men­ted with, incre­di­ble adven­tu­res lived and new fri­ends made. The pro­jects at this exhi­bit are just the tip of the veil, the true impact of this expe­ri­en­ce is yet to come.

More info @ O Espa­ço do Tempo

makerbot as microscope: what we learned

Joel Belou­et has been wor­king on an art pie­ce invol­ving micro­or­ga­nisms and nee­ded a sup­port struc­tu­re for his micros­co­pe came­ra. It turns out the Maker­Bot sit­ting on our table was the solution.

At first Joel atta­ched the came­ra to the z axis and the sli­de res­ted on the build plat­form, but it soon beca­me cle­ar that it would be much bet­ter to have the sam­ple remain still and the came­ra move ins­te­ad. Inver­ting the posi­ti­ons meant atta­ching the sli­de to the bot­tom of the z axis plat­form in order to pre­vent the came­ra lens from bum­ping against it. This setup also allowed him to use the z crank as a focus mecha­nism. Con­ti­nue rea­ding “maker­bot as micros­co­pe: what we learned”