Thom Yorke 3D Print by Tiago Serra

During our recent 3D Prin­ting Workshop, Tia­go Ser­ra from xDA used altlab’s Maker­Bot to print a model of Thom York’s head 🙂

Ori­gi­nal point cloud data from Aaron Koblin’s Hou­se of Cards (GeoVideo’s 3D scan­ning system)

Meshed with Point Cloud Skin­ner script for Blender

Cle­a­nup in Mesh­Lab

Made during the Maker­bot workshop with Zach Hoe­ken at Lis­bon Tech University

Down­lo­ad the file at Thin­gi­ver­se

Awe­so­me Cre­a­ti­ve­Com­mons post :

Maker­bot Industries