Our founder, Catarina Mota @Ada Lovelace Day


phd fel­low, co-foun­der of @openmaterials and @altlab, mem­ber of @nycresistor and OSHWA.org, co-chair of the Open Hard­ware Sum­mit, TED fellow

Adafruit 608-1Today is Ada Love­la­ce day! Cele­bra­ting the achi­e­ve­ments of women in sci­en­ce, art, design, tech­no­logy, engi­ne­e­ring and math! Ada Love­la­ce Day is about sha­ring sto­ri­es of women — whether engi­ne­ers, sci­en­tists, tech­no­lo­gists or mathe­ma­ti­ci­ans — who have ins­pi­red you to beco­me who you are today. The aim is to cre­a­te new role models for girls and women by cele­bra­ting ama­zing women making and doing cool things. If you’re loo­king for a worldwi­de Ada Love­la­ce Day event? Ple­a­se visit the Fin­ding Ada events page. Be sure to check out all our posts today and from pre­vi­ous years here of ama­zing women!