Our founder Catarina Mota @ Open Hardware Summit 2012


Our foun­der Cata­ri­na Mota is the new co-chair of the Open Hard­ware Sum­mit 2012 🙂


New chairs of the Open Hard­ware Sum­mit 2012 | Cata­ri­na Mota & Dustyn Roberts

Passing the torch! | Open Hardware Summit

After two ama­zing and ins­pi­ring ite­ra­ti­ons (2011 and 2010), we are exci­ted to announ­ce we are pas­sing the Open Hard­ware Sum­mit tor­ch.

With Catarina’s exper­ti­se in Open Mate­ri­als, and Dustyn’s work in open mecha­nisms and robo­tics, each will bring a uni­que new dimen­si­on to the term “Open Hard­ware” and together bro­a­den the rele­van­ce and rea­ch of our move­ment and summit.
Thank you all for the sup­port, we can­not stress enough that this is your move­ment, and everyo­ne here has hel­ped make it hap­pen. The sup­port for the Sum­mit, from hel­ping hands to dona­ti­ons, made it pos­si­ble. Ple­a­se con­ti­nue to sup­port the move­ment as it goes forward.
Put your hands together for Cata­ri­na and Dustyn!
Ali­cia & Ayah