[AZSA_01] LCD Mostra-se


Pos­ted on xDA Blog  by Fili­pe Cruz

Sum­mer was get­ting boring so i deci­ded to make a new album and start a new netla­bel.
The album is cal­led LCD Mos­tra-se” and is a col­lec­ti­on of field recor­dings from the self-titled event that occu­red in Gui­ma­rães on the 21 and 22 of July, orga­ni­zed by our LCDbrothers.


It’s avai­la­ble free for down­lo­ad as the first rele­a­se of Audi­ên­cia Zero Sound Archi­ves, the newly for­med netla­bel dedi­ca­ted to rele­a­se audi­oworks rela­ted to our Audi­ên­cia Zero labs network (LCD, xDA and altLab).