Our Founder @ adafruit #ADA11 Ada Lovelace Day!

#ADA11 – Catarina Mota, openMaterials


#ADA11 – Cata­ri­na Mota, open­Ma­te­ri­als

I’m cofoun­der of open­Ma­te­ri­als (a col­lec­ti­ve rese­ar­ch pro­ject dedi­ca­ted to gathe­ring and sha­ring data on uses and pro­duc­ti­on methods of mate­ri­als), of altLab (Lisbon’s hac­kers­pa­ce), of fabri­Cul­tu­re (a pro­ject dedi­ca­ted to pro­mo­ting open sour­ce digi­tal fabri­ca­ti­on and maker cul­tu­re in gene­ral), and a mem­ber of NYC Resistor.

I’m a phd can­di­da­te at FCSH-UNL and a visi­ting scho­lar at ITP-NYU. My aca­de­mic rese­ar­ch is fun­ded by a fel­lowship from the Sci­en­ce and Tech­no­logy Foun­da­ti­on of Por­tu­gal and the UTAustin|Portugal program.

Also helps run the Open Hard­ware Summit!

About today:

Ada Love­la­ce Day is an inter­na­ti­o­nal day of blog­ging (vide­o­log­ging, pod­cas­ting, comic drawing etc.!) to draw atten­ti­on to the achi­e­ve­ments of women in tech­no­logy and science.

Who is your heroine?

Do you remem­ber whi­ch women have influ­en­ced you over the years?

Perhaps your maths tea­cher, one of your uni­ver­sity lec­tu­rers, or a colleague?
This Ada Love­la­ce Day on Octo­ber 7, sha­re your story about a woman — whether an engi­ne­er, a sci­en­tist, a tech­no­lo­gist or mathe­ma­ti­ci­an — who has ins­pi­red you to beco­me who you are today. Wri­te a blog post, record a pod­cast, film a video, draw a comic, or pick any other way to talk about the women who have been gui­ding lights in your life. Give your heroi­ne the cre­dit she deserves!

Who was Ada? Ada Love­la­ce Augus­ta Ada King, Coun­tess of Love­la­ce (10 Decem­ber 1815 – 27 Novem­ber 1852) was one of the world’s first com­pu­ter pro­gram­mers, and one of the first peo­ple to see com­pu­ters as more than just a machi­ne for doing sums. She wro­te pro­grams for Char­les Babbage’s Analy­ti­cal Engi­ne, a gene­ral-pur­po­se com­pu­ting machi­ne, des­pi­te the fact that it was never built. She also wro­te the very first des­crip­ti­on of a com­pu­ter and of software.

If you’re loo­king to spark the mind of a fri­end, daugh­ter, sis­ter, cou­sin, mother, aunt, anyo­ne really — elec­tro­nics is a won­der­ful hobby and perhaps a care­er. We’re doing this sale with the hopes of tur­ning on some minds to sci­en­ce, engi­ne­e­ring and curi­o­sity about how things work. We hope you enjoy the sale, the pro­jects and the con­tent we have plan­ned for today.

Today only, if you want to save 10% off on EVERYTHING at Ada­fruit use the code ADA11 on check out. Code is live for today only, one use per cus­to­mer. Give a gift of elec­tro­nics and lear­ning to a spe­ci­al girl in your life.

Filed under: ald — by ada­fruit, pos­ted Octo­ber 7, 2011 at 7:30 pm