Back in Lisbon

Hey all,

A few months ago our spa­ce has been moved from the cen­ter of Lis­bon, to a pla­ce cal­led Gin­jal, for tho­se who don’t know Lis­bon it is by the other side of the river, not in the city.

Although the spa­ce was ama­zing the dis­tan­ce from the city, the cre­epy walk to get the­re and the hard win­ter con­di­ti­ons made us start thin­king about get­ting our spa­ce back in the city. Also we noti­ced (pro­ba­bly becau­se of the pre­vi­ous expo­sed rea­sons) the num­ber of regu­lar mem­bers was decre­a­sing week by week.

We were plan­ning to do this pretty soon, but one week ago we got noti­ced that we had to move out from the spa­ce in Gin­jal as soon as pos­si­ble, sin­ce it will be clo­sed and demo­lished pretty soon (nothing sur­pri­sing, sin­ce the buil­ding was showing exter­nal dama­ges and in risk of collapsing).

So here we are, back in Lis­bon! By coin­ci­den­ce or not, we are right on the pla­ce we star­ted. But this time is dif­fe­rent, we have ren­ted two rooms for our hac­kers­pa­ce, sin­ce the pre­vi­ous exis­ting busi­ness Geral­di­ne has moved to another pla­ce in downtown.

Here is a pic­tu­re of how one of the rooms looks like right now :

From now on our hac­kers­pa­ce we’ll be open every tues­day night from 20h to 24h and you are very wel­co­me to show off and meet us, check what we are doing and show us what you do!

Stay tuned becau­se we have some news to announ­ce in the next weeks! The­re are some nice and new workshops being pre­pa­red already.

Hope to see you soon! 🙂