AZ Residency Day 2 – Nothing Like The Fresh Smell of Vinegar Early In The Morning

Day star­ted with a small queue to access the showers and a bre­ak­fast table side pro­jects meeting.

Today’s plan for world domi­na­ti­on involved:
— Con­nec­ting OSCu­lat­tor with Pachube
— Trac­king fish in the fish tank
— Coo­king bio­plas­tic sam­ple experiments
— Twit­ter bot with pro­ces­sing and/or javascript
— Taking apart old keyboards
— Plan­ning a real­ti­me vide­owall for AZ Labs

Most of the goals were rea­ched des­pi­te the usu­al setbacks.

Bio­plas­tic is sick. It’s basi­cally star­ch, water, gly­ce­ri­ne and vine­gar sti­red together and hea­ted slo­wly to a pasty bub­bly form that takes a day to strengthen up. Today we coo­ked a few vari­a­ti­ons of the stan­dard reci­pe to make a few sam­ple expe­ri­ments with dif­fe­rent ingre­di­ent ratio, coo­king time and thick­ness, to com­pa­re the pro­per­ti­es and pos­si­bly may­be pro­ba­bly figu­re out some inte­res­ting use for them in futu­re pro­jects. They take about a day to cure, so we have no con­clu­si­ons just yet, but we’­re all pretty sick of the smell of vine­gar by now! Stay tuned for the fol­low up, coming to an hac­kers­pa­ce blog near you soon.

Fish are nice. We like fish. Fili­pe brought some with him and seems to be plan­ning some cute trac­king sys­tem ins­tal­la­ti­on. A crack in the main expe­ri­ments tank hold him back a few hours whi­le the sili­co­ne pat­ch dri­ed up, so it isn’t qui­te ope­ra­ti­o­nal just yet, but we’­re alre­ady wor­king hard on the next evil step for world domi­na­ti­on: devi­sing a cle­ver way to cen­tra­li­ze and reu­se his lit­tle fishi­es trac­king valu­es. And sha­re them with the world whi­le we’­re at it. Who knows who might need a bowl fish trac­king stre­am of valu­es out there.

We took a lit­tle walk wan­de­ring about Mon­te­mor-o-Novo, qui­te a pea­ce­ful town as it turns out, we mana­ged to find an open res­tau­rant with some excel­lent tra­di­ti­o­nal Por­tu­gue­se food, whi­ch was nice. Meanwhi­le, back in the new tech world, our plans for tonight’s gene­ric audio mis­chi­ef jam got held back by the lack of a mix table, some lag with nin­jam wire­less and an all­nigh­ter live bro­ad­cast stre­am pum­ping out of Aute­ch­re’s web­si­te.